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Arizona Lou

Blog Archive 2022 Mar

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Tue Mar 1 =
George & Cindy
my younger brother and his wife who live in Mesa, Arizona and have a mountain place in Christopher Creek
left this morning. It was neat having them here for a couple of days.
- At about 9:00, I said goodbye to them as they left for their next adventure.
- Good, good news: You see, it is very important for usability and safety for the cells of a
my van's Lithium/Iron/Manganese/Phosphate/Oxygen house battery
to be balanced (voltages). This morning I measured them and all four cells were exactly 3.49 Volts! - Yea! Now I won't have to worry about locating my iCharger which I use in rebalancing the cells.
- This morning my high-tech Skil-Care Econo-Gel 751170 wheelchair pad arrived. It is heavy, weighing in at 5 pounds. The idea is to distribute the weight on your buttox evenly to releave pressure points. We'll see if it makes sitting and working on my computer more comfortable. I thought it was worth a try.
- This afternoon was so rushed after which I left a string of things to clean up tomorrow: - Got to bed at 11:13

Wed Mar 2 = This morning I booked my seventh show in Maryland for July.
- I made my first batch of six frosties with the new Chocolate Prime Mass high-protein weight gainer powder that I got from Tim at the LA Fitness Power Station juice bar. It tastes better than the Chocolate Shake stuff I had before.
- Over the phone my realtor and I discussed which of the offers were worth considering.
- I spent time working on my Album #3 by shortening some of the shows so I can get what I think will be the best mix of cool family-friendly and blue materials.
- Got to bed at 10:12 with Alexa's daily alarm set for 7:47 and my Sangean radio set to automatically turn on the news at 8:00 in the kitchen.

Thu Mar 3 = More booking frustration, trying to contact people at veterans' posts who can make a decision about comedy shows.
- I finalized all the contents of my Album #3 and contacted Custom USB. I think it will be worth a little extra to have them preload all my albums with the content.
- This afternoon I took a 1:34 nap in anticipation of being out late for comedy
- Speaking of comedy, the open mic at Improv Mania went well. I went up at about 8:20pm and did my Live to 100 and Oscar bits. I even sold a T-shirt to a gal that promised to buy one when she saw me at CB Live a week ago.
- On the way home I made what may be my last Walmart shopping excursion before tour, for some nasal spray and pastel copy paper.
- Also I stopped by the Chandler Planet Fitness for a brief heavy slow legs workout
- Got to bed at 10:40.

Fri Mar 4 = This morning I woke up at 6:00 to pee and, since I needed to make some phone calls to veterans' posts in the Eastern Time Zone, I made the phone calls, had breakfast and stayed up for the day.
- This evening I tested all my Album #1 wallet cards and found only two out of 10 that worked properly. We'll see what Custom USB has to say.
- Larry, my landscaper phoned. He is experiencing a lot of back pain. While we talked for 1:40, I reset my drip system and got all my van's kitchen drawers filled with bagged nuts, oatmeal, raisins etc. for my tour to western Arizona.
- Procrastination is seldom a good idea. Today I never got around to my exercycle... or to a gym :(
- Got to bed at 9:55 :) with Alexa's daily alarm set for 7:47 and my Sangean radio set to automatically turn on the news at 8:00 in the kitchen.

Sat Mar 5 = This morning, after checking up on some veterans' booking agreements, I did my monthly blog roll-over to Feb and Mar. It getts a little hairry doing two months at once, but I did it without a hitch except forgetting to change a heading to Blog Archive 2022 Jan.
- I ran across my previously lost blog for the first 21 days of January, 2014, so restored them. It was mostly about my morning routine and flying my
fourth type of RC micro helicopter: Blade Nano CPx that has a tail rotor, no flybar and true collective positive and negative pitch
at the nearby
RC Park
Coyote Basin Park where guys fly electric RC airplanes and an occasional helicopter - east of the 101 Pima Freeway and Cave Creek Rd in Phoenix
. - This afternoon I made nine tour posters for veterans posts in Georgia and Florida. It would have been 14 posts but one in Hiawassee is dragging its proverbial feet.
- This evening I went to my nearly Anytime Fitness for a brief heavy slow arms workout.
- Got to bed at 10:25 :(

Sun Mar 6 = Boy, did I make a mess. Here's what happened: Last month, my brain evidently shut down before I finished the job, and I did not realize I had not paid off all my credit cards... until today. I was checking online, for doing my taxes, when I noticed that two of the credit cards were past due. Naturally, at my plodding rate, it took me most of the afternoon to figure it out and then straighten it out.
- I did complete my normal Saturday routine of cleaning the toilets and reapplying the van magnets.
- Got to bed at 10:25, canceled Alexa's alarm and woke up at 8:05am after 1.5 pees.

Mon Mar 7 = This morning I spent over a half hour on the phone with KLPZ in Parker, AZ. Keith there didn't get around to me because he had an interesting interview with a Parker fisherman. I DID learn a lot about fishing.
I phoned Ray Cornelius, the Exalted Ruler of the Elks Lodge in Parker. I will be MCing the raffle for the RadRunner 2 Electric Utility Bike, so spent way too much time (about an hour) online researching the bicycle, its features and accessories.
- Here's a poster that the post emailed me from Arkansas.
poster up in American Legion
- In my Electronic Publicity Kit instructions I requested that the venues send me a picture of their poster when they get them up and said I would put them on my website. I have removed that last part from the instructions I'll be sending out after June shows, because I don't have time to scale their photos down to Internet size (from 2MB to 2kB), export them and post them. I do appreciate their sending me the photos, though.
- It took me 50 minutes to assemble and email publicity kits, each tailored to the venue, to 12 venues. That's a little less than five minutes each on average. The kits included: - I told myself it was to save money, but it was stupid for me to print out 250 of my colored brochures because it is cheaper done here at home than at Office Depot on the road.
That is way too many as I have no space for them in my van. Also, if I need to, many posts will let me use their printers.
- Got to bed at 9:56 with Alexa's daily alarm set for 7:47 and my Sangean radio set to automatically turn on the news at 8:00 in the kitchen.

Tue Mar 8 = When I mess up, I do it big. When I got up this morning I got a phone call from Sochenda, the coordinator of Jacksonville FL's Mayo Alzheimer's Research, got distracted with breakfast and emails and completely forgot to phone Keith at KLPZ in Parker for a 9:00 on-the-air interview. I phoned him at 10, after his show. He is a swell guy because he invited me to phone in tomorrow at 9. Such a guy.
- Sochenda is going to be checking on my donations to Alzheimer's research there and a possible visit when I go through Jacksonville in May.
- Preparing for tonight's comedy class and for my trip, I did not have time for a nap. The class kept me out late. I need to catch up on my sleep somehow or I might get a cold virus, which would have a major impact on my comedy tours.
- Got to bed at 11:05

Wed Mar 9 = This morning I called into KLPZ and had a 17 minute interview with Keith, the host of the morning show. Then I finished up some booking emails, voice mails and text messages, getting a new show for Sat Jul 2, 2022; 3:00pm at the American Legion Post 42,; 405 Northern Ave in Hagerstown, MD 21742 -
- Next on the list was setting things out to pack for my trip like food and T-Shirts
- This afternoon I looked in the mirror and said to myself, How stupid can you be? Continuing with the When I mess up, I do it big theme I did it again.
- Background: It has been almost a year since my last haircut in a shop and that last one was the first in about ten years. I have been giving myself haircuts and pretty well satisfied with them.
- Last night I decided I could afford moving to professional haircuts. I found a barber shop about two miles from home that wasn't too expensive ($18 for seniors) and could take me fairly soon. Before leaving home I did my
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
- At the shop I told the barber that I wanted a half inch buz with my little quiff at the front and gave him a ticket with my picture. I expected him to put a 1/2" guard on his clippers and mow me down. Instead he used his fingers, a comb and scissors.
- When I got home I decided I'd see if it was really a half inch by running my clippers over my head.
- One oversight: I use an 1/8" guard for my poster trim and forgot to switch to the 1/2" gard, so I did a real job on my head. I won't be back to looking like my posters for a month or two.
- All that gave me material for tonight's Open Mic at El Charro Hipster.
- Got to bed at 9:58.

Thu Mar 10 = This morning while finishing my breakfast I phoned Keith at Parker's KLPZ for a 20-second reminder call-in for tonight's comedy show in nearby Bouse.
- I ordered 250 more business cards. The change was my picture without glasses. VistaPrint's 20% off customer appreciation code did not work and I did not have enough time to phone them about it.
- I started the 2 1/2-hour, 145 mile, drive to the Bouse American Legion by, stopping by El Charro Hipster for the comedy clipboard I left there last night :( and a Pilot for more sunflower seeds to keep me awake while driving to the Bouse AZ American Legion Post 46..
- Tonight I did my first show in a doublewide. What a crowd! There were about 60 there enjoying BBQ beef and big slices of delicious cake for dessert. I ate a tiny pice of chocolate.
- Got to bed, at 10:10 back of the post, aimed into the wind.

Fri Mar 11 = Today started great but did not end that way, with another first for me.
- I slept pretty well last night in my van in Bouse. The forcast was for a low of 40° F. It got down to 48 degrees in my van. This evening and during the night, I had a little pain and swelling, like I might be comming down with a sore throat. By morning it was gone. I am going to have to redouble my efforts to be careful and not strain my voice during the shows, strictly applying what I learned from my voice therapy about eight years ago.
- I drove up to the Parker, AZ. The VFW Post 7061 treated me like a celebrity when I arrived. I set up my merch and some other stuff, then headed to the...
- ... Walmart for two things I left back home in Phoenix. The snap up short sleeved shirt I use with my show opener and four USB type A-to-micro cords. Of course I have a drawer full of the at home, but was too lazy to inventory the supply I had in my van and put them in. The Walmart had only one snap up shirt: denim and long sleeved - not what I had in mind so I bought nothing.
- The show went pretty well until I did my Minivan set where I make light of kids and minivans. Commander (VFW website shows as Josh Phillips) was in another part of the room about 40 feet away, not listening very well and decided to end the show because he thought I was making light of pedifiles. He came over and told me to leave the stage... no closing. I have actually used Minivan in a family friendly show. I believe it can help kids to be careful.
- Got to bed at 10:28 in my van in a gravel area across the street from the VFW Post. Thank you.

Sat Mar 12 = This morning I drove down to Yuma for tonight's show and, as it turns out, drove 240 miles for nothing.
- Shortly after I arrived in Yuma, I got a phone call from the VFW Post 1763 that they were canceling tonight's show because of what they heard from the commander of the Parker VFW :(
- I went to a Yuma library but FTP did not work with their Internet so, unfortunately I was unable to update my website, so couldn't tage tonight's show as canceled.
- Things then started looking up. I pulled into the Yuma ARCO right after a gas truck to find that the station was out of regular. After watching the driver hook up all his hoses and start the flow, I got 10 gallons of the freshest gas yet - enough to get me up to Parker and back home.
- I drove back up to Parker and spent the night in slot #1 of the Elks Lodge RV parking area :)
- Got to bed at 10:12

Sun Mar 13 = This morning there was a problem with the
my van's Lithium/Iron/Manganese/Phosphate/Oxygen house battery
circuit that powers my refrigerator, so I decided to use the camp site's 50A power. In order to do that I needed a 50A to 15A adapter, which was no where to be found in Parker. I ended up buying a 50-30A adapter with a 30-15A adapter into which I plugged the extention cord to my refrigerator.
- Speaking of batteries, I installed a new battery in the talking watch that I have above my head in the van at night. It is great when I want to check the time in the dark. The display has not worked in years, so occasionally I have to review my instructions for setting it. No one wants a rooster to start crowing at odd hours.
- The tickets were $10 each for tonight's comedy show. There was a good turnout of 37. After the show I conducted the drawing for the RadRunner 2 Electric Utility Bike. The Lodge has already booked me for next year :)
- I got everything loaded up and drove home, got some things unloaded from my van and got the show videos all uploaded to an external hard drive.
- Got to bed at 10:00 with Alexa's daily alarm set for 7:47 and my Sangean radio set to automatically turn on the news at 8:00 in the kitchen.

Mon Mar 14 = For over a month I have been trying to sign up on their website for Stir Crazy's Wednesday open mic in Glendale. Their list of ten slots fills up in less than a second after the list comes out at noon on Mondays. Guess I did something right... and quick today, because I got in. It will be my first time to perform there and I hope to see your smiling face: Wed Mar 16, 2022; 7:00pm; Stir Crazy; E-206, 6751 N Sunset Blvd; Westgate Entertainment District,Glendale, AZ 85305
- The Western Digital website seems pretty buggy. I finally got registered and, hopefully, will be able to get them to replace a 5 GB drive that has an intermittent USB connector. It is still under warranty.
- I finally figured out how to use Zelle to pay my Dahlia landscaper, but AFCU froze the account Friday and told me to phone them immediately. Of course I couldn't until today. I think they've gotten everything straightened out.
- This morning I got an email from Rochel, asking if I would be interested in being the speaker for the luncheon they will be having for their JWV (Jewish War Veterans) on Sunday. So I am scheduled: my first! Sun Mar 20, 2022; 11:00am; Jewish War Vetterans Post 210 at the VFW, 4853 E Thomas Rd; Phoenix, AZ 85018
- Got to bed at 10:15.

Tue Mar 15 = This was finance day, the day every month I pay off all my credit cards.
- I worked a lot today, preparing for tonight's stand up comedy class. It is the dress rehearsal for Sunday's show.
- I took an hour's nap for being out late at tonight's comedy class.
- The class went pretty well. I left class early to drive the 40 miles home and still...
- didn't get to bed until 11:26 after doing my blog for Monday.

Wed Mar 16 = I've been pulling my hair out with a Western Digital My Passport 5-terabyte external hard drive. The USB connector is intermittent. I have been trying to move everything to another drive so I can send the 5T in for replacement. Right now I am working on my third try. Hopefully it will stay connected long enough to get the job done.
- Technology is still giving proglems: This morning my cell phone shut down due to low battery, although it was plugged in all night. I'll learn to double check that it is charging when I plug it in at bedtime.
- I took a bout a half hour nap to not worry about staying out late for tonight's comedy show.
- My first appearance onstage at Stir Crazy; at the Westgate Entertainment District; in Glendale was a lot of fun, with a good crowd of 64 for my three minutes of being old, wrinkled and... alive. I sold three T-Shirts and traded another for a video of my set.
- Got to bed at 10:26 with Alexa's daily alarm set for 7:47 and my Sangean radio set to automatically turn on the news at 8:00 in the kitchen.

Thu Mar 17 = At the bottom of my Press Kit web page I have started developing resources for people who want to make their own posters for my shows. Today I added 11 logos for such venues as American Legion and VFW. It took a little more time to make them all have transparent backgrounds, but they surely look good.
- Two small packages arrived in the mail today: My new glasses from Zeni Optical and my new business cards from VistaPrint.
- This evening I scanned, filled out and scanned the 12 pages of disclosure documents for the land near Wittmann that I'm selling to Travis and Donna. Next is to get the documents notarized, scanned again and emailed.
- Got to bed at 10:16

Fri Mar 18 = Most every chance I got today, I went over my new Dementia routine for tomorrow evening on Zoom and Sunday evening at JP's Comedy Club in Gilbert, for the 5-week stand up class I have been taking.
- Before lunch I spent a lot of time on the documents for selling the three lots on Melanie Drive near Wittmann: getting an affidavit notarized and emailed.
- At solar noon I lay in the sun for 20 minutes
- After lunch I made my shopping list.
- After supper I did a brief heavy slow torso workout at LA Fitness and did my semi-monthly grocery shopping at 99¢ Only and Winco Foods.
- Just before bed I got this three-minute video from Wednesday produced, uploaded and published on YouTube:

- Got to bed at 10:22 with my Alexa alarm set for 8:08am

Sat Mar 19 = Today I ordered about $500 worth of publicity kits to be shipped to the venues where I will be appearing in May. It took a lot of the day due to the slowness of the Office Depot website.
- I prepared my 5TB Western Digital hard drive with a bad USB connector for warranty return through the confusing warranty section of their website.
- Preparing for tomorrow's two comedy shows took most of the rest of the day.
- Got to bed at 10:33

Sun Mar 20 = With the help of Customer Service in Georgetown Guiana I finally got Office Depot to accept the address for delivery of the publicity kit to the Lithia Springs AMVETS.
- Today was several firsts for me:
- My first show for JWV (Jewish War Veterans) was at a VFW post near 48th St and Thomas. It was a reserved audience of 20 for my 45 minute (actually 51:15) show. It was both interesting and fun doing a show for people who have a quite different frame of reference from me. I included a little of my new Alzheimer's routine.
- I wasted two trips to UPS today. The first was on the way to the JWV show where I found that the label that Western Digital had me print for the package did not include the shipping cost for which I had already paid. The second trip was to the 7th & Bell store to ship the package. The store had on the web that they were open, but they were not :(
- I took a 55 minute nap for staying out late at tonight's comedy show.
- Changing comedy tracks was necessary for tonight's show so I reviewed my new Alzheimer's set most of the afternoon - first official time to do it publically.
- For the show we had a good crowd and most of us got a lot of laughs. I sold one T-Shirt.
comedians comedian list
- At the show, Dan, a prop comedian, used a nice-sized plastic folding table that would be much more convenient than the two heavy wooden TV tables I was using for my merchandise. So after the show back here at home when I should have been sleeping, I researched and ordered one to pick up at Target tomorrow. Lighter, larger and adjustable to higher.
- Got to bed at 11:36 :(

Mon Mar 21 = Just when I don't need another project, my Dahlia landscaper phone me that one of the sprinkler valves is not closing all the way.
- I'm planning on a glut of T-Shirts for the first of my tour, figuring it will be easier to have them delivered here at home and process them here instead of while on tour. I ordered about 44 of 'em from Design A Shirt
- I emailed contracts to the 11 venues for my charity comedy shows in June. After I get everything lined up, it takes me about 3-4 minutes each. Of course it takes a lot longer by the time I line everything up and then double check before actually sending the emails.
- I bought an 18.5 x 30 x 18.5" high packing box at a UPS store and George, there, cut it down to 18.5 x 30 x 9.5" high. Size is critical to fit in my van.
- I picked up the neat 29 x 19" folding table, and reasonably priced at my nearby Target. It is surprisingly well engineered, lightweight, supports 25 pounds (ideal for my T-Shirts & merch) and is only an inch thick when colapsed.
- I drove down to
my Phoenix rental house located on Dahlia Drive
to check out the sprinklers, which seemed to be operating normally. After I shut them off, I waited about 15 minutes for the pipes to drain to make sure there was not a leaky valve like Carlos indicated. While waiting I washed most of the buggs from my Colorado River Tour off the front of the van.
- On the way back home I bought new front windshield wipers - the cheap ones, $23 and $14 for the driver's and passenger's sides respectively. I didn't replace the rear one because I don't use it.
- Last stop was a $5 automatic car wash to take advantage of the losened bugs.
- Before bedtime I created a new web page with elements for my posters so people can go crazy creating their own Arizona Lou poster by using these Poster Graphic Elements.
screen show
- Got to bed at 10:08

Tue Mar 22 = I never found time to take a nap, so staying out late for the comedy class was not a good idea. However, it is difficult for me to leave when some of my fellow comedians are yet to take the stage with the results of the writing exercise.
- Tonight was the final comedy class of this series, with Tony Vicich's feedback from our Sunday show. I think JP's in Gilbert, at 40 miles one way, is too far to keep driving on a regular basis.
- Got to bed at 10:47 - too late for me :(

Wed Mar 23 = I felt pretty good this morning but by afternoon I was running low on energy with a mild fever (98.6° F for me). I tried to catch up on sleep with a 30 minute nap. Didn't do much good. By evening it was up to 100.7° F - Got to bed at 10:08

Thu Mar 24 = I am determined to shake this thing before leaving on tour: This morning I did not ride my exercycle, took a nap after breakfast, took another nap after lunch and another one after supper. I have still been runing a low-grade fever and feeling very low on energy.
- I did not go out for anything but accross the street for my mail.
- In addition to resting up a lot, today I added a Mayo logo near the top of of my Comedy Home Page, after I made the logo transparent.
- Got to bed at 10:16

Fri Mar 25 = In addition to resting up and taking some naps I put my nose to the grindstone and got my taxes finished and filed. The price was right with 1040.com's $25 but I don't think they handled my Duet tax credit correctly, although they came up with about the correct ammount.
- Another big tech achievement was getting all 502 of my contacts to upload to MailChimp. The trick was to delete my audience, not just the contacts in the audience. I did get emails sent out from contact@arizonalou.com. We'll see if it results in any guests for me on Sun Apr 3, 2022; 7:00pm; CB Live; Desert Ridge (21001 N. Tatum Blvd); Phoenix, AZ 85050 - Showcase
      FREE,   if before 6:30, you say you're there to see Arizona Lou for the 7:00pm show
- On my recent Colorado River Tour, my
my van's Lithium/Iron/Manganese/Phosphate/Oxygen house battery
was a little cantankerous. This evening I re-did the hookups, which included replacing a 3-outlet 12v adapter's blown fuse - with a 10-Amp value.
- Got to bed at 10:07

Sat Mar 26 = I wanted to get my blood circulating some without letting my body deteriorate too munh so, this morning, instead of an exercycle ride did a nine-minute light fast full body workout here in my home bym.
- I overdid it with a trip today, but I needed stuff:
- 99cent Only for one overripe banana. Instead of giving me change for my dollar the clerk just gave me the banana.
- Home Depot to turn in my old Hitachi drill battery and get a .5mm piece of plywood for making a protector plate for my new monitor
- Aldi to check things out - didn't buy much
- Fry's for grapes on sale with a coupon and a free jar of peanut butter
- Office Max to pick up my new 5-TB hard drive
- When I got it home, it was not recognized, so had I to go out again and back to Office Max. Josh fixed it. Something I could have done myself if I had known to use the Windows Disk Manager
- My computer worked all night. It took 15 hours to fully format the new drive.
- This evening started the process of changing all the QR codes to the secure socket version of my website (https:\\...)
qr code
- Got to bed at 9:33

Sun Mar 27 = This morning I processed, collated and boxed up my new T-Shirt order. My new merch box is over-full with 44 T-shirts and little room for else and too heavy.
- I finally got my new 5-TB Western Digital hard drive formatted What would have taken a few seconds with a quick format, took 18 hours. At lease I know the whole drive is good.
- This evening I went through a number of files I had previously scanned with my IRIScan Book 3 scanner. It is compact and fits well in my office - van or at home. I got the files reorganized in my Instructions folder.
- Today I organized my right seat box which included typing my address on 64 thank you notes, intending to send them out after each of my shows.
- Got to bed at 9:30

Mon Mar 28 = I hacked & coughed a lot today - not producing much result. I did have a little lower fever, running around 100°F.
- I got more boxes organized and sorted, as under my van's closet and in the bottom of my van's office drawer. Keeping my Google Drive contents lists up to date saves me lots of time down the road digging around to find things.
- I inventoried my nuts and determined how many of each type I need to buy for the trip. The nuts keep well and are a lot cheaper in bulk at Winco compared to buying them on the road. Also I get exactly what I want, like roasted, unsalted almonds
- This evening I retyped, possibly the last revision, the Alzheimer's routine I'll be doing on Sunday at CB Live.
- Got to bed at 10:33

Tue Mar 29 = Larry, my landscaper, threw in the towel this morning due to his continuing back pain and my determined weeds. Looking for a new landscaper, I joined NextDoor.com and checked Craig's List. NextDoor.com did no good but I found a couple leads on Craigs List. As a parting gift, Larry completely scalped my silver sage. Maybe he thought that is what I wanted.
- UPS genuinely lost my package of Album#3s. It just disappeared somewhere in the UPS Phoenix facility after making it all the way from Palatine, IL.
- CustomUSB is going to make another batch and have it sent by UPS Next Day Air from Palatine, IL. It should arrive Friday.
- Got to bed at 10:36

Wed Mar 30 = Most of today was spent backing up my data and offloading all the media files from my 2021 appearances from my
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
- In prep for tomorrows trip out, and to relax and try to get a better night's sleep, I did an extended
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
and took a warm bath. Didn't sleep better, but at least smelled better.
- Got to bed at 10:03

Tu Mar 31 = This morning I took a new Duet neighbor to her dentist. I wasn't really feeling up to par yet, so made no additional stops, but came straight home.
- This afternoon I used one of my CDC COVID-19 rapid antigen tests. As expected it was 100% negative
- After being lost for several weeks, I found My Life by Bill Clinton and other potty reading materials by a window in the library, where I had put them to be out of the way when
George & Cindy
my younger brother and his wife who live in Mesa, Arizona and have a mountain place in Christopher Creek
were here.
- Got to bed at 10:15

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