Sun Dec 1 = Today I made all my booking calls on time - starting before breakfast!
- This was a Major Mac Morning: It took some web searching and a lot of trial, but I fixed the broken search function on my
the MacBook Pro I got in May 2023, with an m2 Max processor 64GB of memory and a 2TB SSD hard drive
by deleting the contents of the Spotlight data directory.
Here's what worked:
Go to my user directory & press Cmd Shift . (period) to show hidden files
Go to /Users/YourFolder/Library/Metadata
Delete everything within CoreSpotlight folder
Empty trash
Restart computer
Wait a few seconds
- I fixed my lunch,
I lay in the sun for 10 minutes on my back and 10 minutes on my stomach at solar noon when the sun rays are maximized for the skin's production of vitamin D
and then ate the lunch.
Rose Anne
My X wife who lives in Flagstaff
gave me a "new" nine year old unopened Sentry Fire Safe. I'll be using it for my six backup SSD drives. The safe will join two others that I already have for regular backup hard drives.
- As simple easy preventive maintenance I drained four gallons of water from the bottom of my water heater. That is where the calcium and other minerals collect. Sort of like a lake, which needs to have an outlet to keep its water fresh.
- For today's gym trip, just before supper, I went to the Moon Valley LA Fitness for my third heavy workout - Torso and a new fan:
- It took some time this evening, but I cleaned up the "desktop" of my
the MacBook Pro I got in May 2023, with an m2 Max processor 64GB of memory and a 2TB SSD hard drive
by deleting a bunch of screen shots.
- This evening I prepared for a phone meeting with Josh Boyle, my Social Media Guru.
- mixed up the powdered ingredients for my next batch of six
The The 9oz chocolate/cinnamon protein treat, that I mix up six at a time, which is my weekly reward for doing a heavy legs workout
and exhausted my supply of protein powder. I still have about five pounds of Body Tech Prime Body Mass powder left so I'll be ordering more protein powder in the process.
- Got to bed at 11:53 for 9:05 hours of sleep
Mon Dec 2 = My Kindel has gotten a little sluggish so this morning I rebooted it by holding the power button for 30 seconds. Now it is back up to speed.
Joshua Boyle, my good friend who is a videographer, photographer and my social media guru
phoned this morning. We covered lots of ground.
- Before supper time I researched protein powders on the Internet.
- After supper I packaged up my son's Christmas present, found how much it would cost me through Pirate Ship, printed out the label and got the package ready to hand over to Walgreens for UPS.
- It wasn't until I tried to give the package to the lady at Walgreens that I noticed that the package was for USPS. I was at the wrong place!
- Then to LA Fitness. Across their parking lot was a Discount Nutrition store so I thought I'd check out their protein powders: Has to be chocolate and close to the Amazon price. It was but it wasn't. The sales lady became a new fan:
- At LA Fitness I had a good light legs workout and two new fans:
- On the way home I stopped by Dollar Tree and bought a birthday card for
Rose Anne
My X wife who lives in Flagstaff
who will be as old as me next month.
- This evening I worked on my Christmas letter, worked on this blog and ordered 2 lb of protein powder for my
The The 9oz chocolate/cinnamon protein treat, that I mix up six at a time, which is my weekly reward for doing a heavy legs workout
and will have about a two-year supply if I calculated correctly.
- Got to bed at 1:24 AM for 8:45 hours of sleep after stupidly researching tattoos on the Internet.
Tue Dec 3 = -Lots of booking this morning.
- To use as part of my reels,
Joshua Boyle, my good friend who is a videographer, photographer and my social media guru
asked me to email him my logos and ten things that I do to stay healthy. I sent him 27.
- Google tells me that my website made 4,730 impressioons and got 178 clicks during the month of November.
- I drove up to the Boulder Hills Post Office before it closed at 4:30, mailed a Christmas package to my son and his family and got a new fan:
- This evening was a fun and interesting night. The Open Mic at
Rips Bar in Phoenix was a jam session for musicians. Oscar, the host and producer let me go up for 10 minutes of comedy for my first time at the venue. I did a variety of things, including my first comedy appearance at 83, and got two new fans:
- Got to bed at 12:22 for 8:39 hours of sleep
Wed Dec 4 = One of the neatest things on the Internet is the
Duet interactive map for volunteers. I added this link to to my Shops web page. The map shows shows where various volunteers are needed.
- Under the auspices of
I drove drove down to Sunnyslope to take Roger to LA Fitness and grocery shopping, after I phoned to make shure he was on. No answer. After I got to his place and waited about 10 minutes I went to his apartment. He explained that he had issues and was not able to go shopping with me tolday. My hour spent and 22 miles driven were not entirely wasted because I got his cousin as a new fan.
- So I rearranged my day's schedule and went home to do some booking and other things that needed to be done.
- Last night I learned about a Saturday open mic at
Rips Bar so added it to my schedule:
- After supper my plan was to work out at LA Fitness and then do the grocery shopping, but I first needed to make a new batch of
The The 9oz chocolate/cinnamon protein treat, that I mix up six at a time, which is my weekly reward for doing a heavy legs workout
. Time got away from me, so I only made it to LA Fitness, but I got in my heavy legs workout, the Frosty, my
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
a shower and six new fans:
- Back home, by the time I took care of yesterday's blog, I...
- got to bed at 12:18 for 8:22 hours of sleep
Thu Dec 5 = I did a little booking this morning, but the main event was getting my master toilet unclogged after two days. After "doing the deed" a couple days ago I couldn't believe that something actually came out of me that was that large. Evidently, neither could the toilet because the "deed" didn't go down until this morning.
- So I researched high-powered toilet plungers and ordered one from Amazon.
- I
I lay in the sun for 10 minutes on my back and 10 minutes on my stomach at solar noon when the sun rays are maximized for the skin's production of vitamin D
- I'm slow. This afternoon it took me an hour to check out and watch videos for comedians appearing at the the seven valley comedy clubs. I bought tickets to see Daniel Eachus tomorrow evening at
Stir Crazy in Glendale.
- My finger print padlock has not been opening very well with my right thumb
- My right thumb has not been opening my finger print padlock very well, so I added it to the lock again. Now the padlock opens fine with my right thumb in addition to some other "fingers."
- Today's trip's first stop was Safeway for fresh green beans, yogurt and two new fans:
- Then, for a heavy arms workout, to Planet Fitness. Since they not have a preacher curl I had to simulate one with an incline bench, but did not have to simulate three new fans:
- Final stop was Winco for my semi-monthly grocery shopping and another new fan:
- Got to bed at 12:52 for 9:30 hours of sleep, making up for last night
Fri Dec 6 = There is space for about six days left on my current Sleep Log Chart, so I improved the next one slightly by increasing the width of the last column so to not run off the page when recording my bedroom temperatures.
- Speaking of sleeping, for the past month I have mostly need to get up at night only twice to use the bathroom. Pretty good for me!
- Today I added 17 emails to my fan email list for the last 10 days.
- The big thing for booking today was working out comedy show details with the commander of the Harriman American Legion. Pending is finalizing the May date and his running it by the post board.
- Today I didn't get any new fans or make it to a gym but this evening went to
Stir Crazy in Glendale to see headliner Daniel Eachus. It was a good show with my friend Gene Moore as the hoast.
- This evening's project was adding commentary to Brooke's STEM Cardboard Boat Video. I learned, with
Final Cut ProX the fancy video-editing software I bought from Apple Sept 9th, 2023 for my MacBook Pro
how to do it, which involved disconnecting the original audit from the video, adding a voice over track and adjusting the volumes of the now two audio tracks.
- Got to bed at 11:47 for 9 hours of sleep
Sat Dec 7 = After only a week of working OK my Phonak hearing aids have quit connecting to the Phonak app on my cell phone. It is madening, considering how expensive they were.
- I had trouble with my website's Monthly Blog Rollover. It took me 36 minutes because I did not notice that I left out the period in a navigation link (:
- This evening I drove down to
Rips Bar for their monthly, what I thought was an open mic. It turns out it was a booked show. I met Sean Smith the producer. For the first time, tonight he changed the format to "Spelling Bee." After a brief introduction each comedian was given a word to spell. If correct they got one point. After a second round of more challenging words, each comedian was given five minutes to do comedy, and had to use their spelling words. It was an interesting show. My only hope, if I was given a word to spell, would be to come up with an outlandish and entertaining mispelling.
- I left the show a little early, went by the Colonnade LA Fitness, found they were closed, then by Fri's Food across the street for 5 lb of grapefruit on sale, then up to my nearly Anytime fitness for a heavy torso workout and two new fans:
- Got to bed at 12:03 for 8:39 hours of sleep
Sun Dec 8 = Today's big project was wading through 84 photos and one video for my PF-103 Photo Frame, which is identical to the photo frames I gave to the rest of the family.
- On a FAT32 micro SD card, the frame creates verious folders that include a UhalePhoto folder with an export folder and an import folder. All this strained my brain, figuring out which photos were on my picture frame, which ones were on
Rose Anne
My X wife who lives in Flagstaff
frame, which ones needed to be moved from where to the SD card's import folder and how to get the photos to not be automatically deleted or duplicated. I think I got it done and now the micro SD card is ready to load up Rose Anne's frame next time I see her.
- This morning I emailed my avails to Sean Smith the host and producer of the monthly comedy show at
Rips Bar, along with a video and some links to my website.
- Today, through
website, I logged my hours for 10 of the volunteer services I provided, up to today and catching up with 2023 when I was lazy and did not log my hours.
- Stopping by Costco for gas, I went up to the Desert Ridge Mountainside Fitness for another heavy torso workout (forgetting that I had just done one yesterday) and two new fans:
- Got to bed at 11:48 for 9 hours of sleep
Mon Dec 9 = This moring I had Roomba vacuum the whole house. Roomba acted a little strange.
When vacuuming the living room it
wandered through the office
the north hallway
took a couple of swipes in the centeral hallway
wandered back throuugh the north hallway
vacuumed around the office
went back to the north hallway
turned off its vacuum
went to the living room
turned on its vacuum and finished vacuuming the living room.
Then this afternoon it
drove about three feet out of its docking station
sat there idling for three minutes
never turned on its vacuum motor
turned around
drove back into it's docking station and emptied its dust bin
the Roomba app on my cell phone said, "Job Complete."
- To waste some time I checked my Death Clock and found that I should have been dead nine years ago on Monday, March 9, 2015 at the age of 73 (if I have a normal mood). I question its accuracy. Although it asks for your BMI, it doesn't appear to use it in its calculations. The big factors in its calculations appear to be your mood and smoking. If I'm optomistic (which I think I mostly am) I'll have another seven years and be 90 when I die.
- While
I lay in the sun for 10 minutes on my back and 10 minutes on my stomach at solar noon when the sun rays are maximized for the skin's production of vitamin D
today I listened to a Clark Howard Podcast, gaining some financial savvy along with some vitamin D.
- This evening I mada a test to have PHP open a text file with Xampp, my local host. It didn't work.
- This evening's trip was down to the Cave Creek Rd Eōs Fitness for light legs and arms workouts and nine new fans :)
- Got to bed at 11:47 for 9:01 hours of sleep
Tue Dec 10 = This morning I got ready for this afternoon's big deal.
- After lunch I zipped down to Max Big Breakfast in downtown Phoenix for a video shoot with Josh and Randhal. I took a bunch of different colored T-shirts to switch out during the the shoot from the wardrobe department (a bush). We had a good background with murals. The videos will be material for future social media reels and videos.
- After the video shoot I drove north for my first visit to the LA Fitness on 7 Ave & Camelback where I did a light torso workout and got four new fans:
- In the same parking lot was a Fry's Food Store so I went in. When I tried to buy a bag of grapefruit on sale I learned that their digital coupons could only be used once.
- While I was gone my two-pounds of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% whey double-chocolate protein powder and my bruxh/plunger toilet kit were delivered.
- Tonight I put on my Graphic Artist hat and started making posters for the five VFW and American Legion shows I'll be doing on my Antelope Valley California tour in late February.
- Got to bed at 11:32 for 9 hours of sleep
Wed Dec 11 = This morning I came within one breath of disaster... of my own making, due to lack of dilligence. In the process of checking my emails and doing some other stuff I ran across a reminder to take Arlette to her doctor's appointment under the auspices of
and it was time for me to leave! I scurried around, traded my sweats for street clothes and rushed to her house. We got to her appointment, way over in Scottsdale, in time!
- After supper, on the way to do comedy, I went up to Mountainside Fitness for a heavy legs workout,
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
a shower, a
The The 9oz chocolate/cinnamon protein treat, that I mix up six at a time, which is my weekly reward for doing a heavy legs workout
for doing the workout and five new fans
- The comedy was down in Tempe at Casey's Woodshed. It was my 20th time there although my first time in five years. Since I was there last, I added 614 performances to my list. I tried some new stuff and got a new fan.
- Got to bed at 12:30am for 9 hours of sleep hours of sleep
Thu Dec 12 = Today's big project was tegious. You see I have run out of appearances on the list currently hand out, so need six more venues. I made a chart, of course, of all the open mics I haven't attended yet this year in the Phoenix area by day of the week, using BadSlava and
Phoenix Comedy Open Mics. The chart should keep me busy and booked until time for me to leave on tour.
- This afternoon I took about a 40 minute long nap and slept like a log.
- It was interesting but I impulsed on Google's Satalite view following the 981-mile Ohio River from its end where it flows into the Mississipi in Cairo, IL to its source with the confluence of the Allegheny River from the north and the Monongahela River from the south in Pittsburg, PA. I got onto that tangent while researching veteran posts in Tennessee.
- This evening I was disappointed to discover that my neighborhood Big Lots has closed its doors, and I was going to do my white elephant Christmas shopping there. Alternatively I did the nearby Ross Dress For Less, discovered they have a lot of non-clothing items and found a couple good items and three new fans:
- Next and final stop was LA Fitness for a heavy arms workout and three new fans. Felipe there has been one of my friends for years. We always say "Hi" to each other. Tonight I got him (with the red shirt in the last pic) on my Fan web page. It wasn't until tonight that we both realized that we did not speak the same language: He a little bit of English and me a little less of Spanish.
- When I got home it took me 12 minutes to add five pictures with six new fans for an average of 2:24 minutes per picture and 2:00 minutes per fan.
- Got to bed at 12:12am for 9:08 hours of sleep
Fri Dec 13 = Naturally this morning included doing my emails.
- At noon I
I lay in the sun for 10 minutes on my back and 10 minutes on my stomach at solar noon when the sun rays are maximized for the skin's production of vitamin D
The iRobot Roomba j7+ self-emptying robotic vacuum cleaner I bought in Jan 2023
vacuumed the whole house.
- Today I finished the 15 posters for my five shows on my Antelope Valley tour in California - not as easy as it sounds. I had to make a bunch phone calls and texts to confirm the some show times at the venues that had not gotten back to me with that information.
- Toward evening I got the house ready for
Anne and Robby
My daughter and her husband who live in Flagstaff
visit tomorrow.
- I topped off the day at my nearby Anytime Fitness with a heavy torso workout and a new fan
- Got to bed at 11:33 for hours of sleep anticipating an early rise tomorrow morning, 8:33am CT (Comedian Time).
Sat Dec 14 = Before eating breakfast this morning I went to a Goodwill to find a monitor for my grand nephews to use with their Raspberry Pi. Most of the monitors were older with only Display Port, VGA and component ports. I checked about ten monitors before I found any that had the required hdmi ports. Several of thise did not work. I ended up buying a 21" Vizio VA22L FHDTV105 combination monitor/TV with 15 ports of various types.
- It didn't take but a few minutes and I don't know why I put it off so long, but after breakfast I popped three pints of Blueberries into a pleated quart ziplock bag and popped it into the freezer.
- Today's big event was driving on the Firebird Raceway in Chandler, AZ under the Xtreme Experience organization.
Anne and Robby
My daughter and her husband who live in Flagstaff
drove down to my house. Then I rode with them down to Firebird.
- As a true comedian, almost as much fun as driving was giving an official introduction to Gary Johnson, the instructor of the pre-ride classroom session.
- Here's how it looked when I took the wheel of a 610 HP Lamborghini Huracan for four laps around the 10-turn 1.25 mile track. At 4:56 in this video I passed a black car, without realizing that the driver was my daughter, Anne. On the .27-mile straightaway I reached 108 mph on my last lap.
- This evening, along with my three other monitors, I started using the "new" 21" Vizio VA22L FHDTV105 monitor to make sure it was dependable. Although it is fluorescent-backlit, much thicker, takes a lot more power and runs hotter, its picture was brighter with better colors and contrast than my thin, LED-backlight Samsung monitor. That was not acceptable, so I explored the Samsung's setting, turned off Sumsung's Magic Angle, reduced the brightness to 72% and increased the contrast to 100%. Now my Samsung 21" looks better than my big 43" LG monitor.
- Since it was late, I lazied out and did only one minute of elliptical just before crawling into bed.
- Got to bed at 11:52 for 8:52 hours of sleep
Sun Dec 15 = While checking my emails, text messages and going through the Firebird pictures that Becky had textd me, I found a picture of a fan that someone had textd me over 7.5 months ago from Whipper Snapper Comedy at Cedar Street Social in Mobile AL. After adding him to my FANS web page I discovered it was Jody, Josh Graves' dad:
- It wasn't until after lunch that I got around to organizing things to send out the five contracts and publicity kits for my Antelope Valley California Tour.
- When I didn't feel like thinking much, I wrapped the Christmas boxes for our family gift exchanges: Both four pounds; one 18" and the other 8." Our get-togethers are always fun.
- Although I didn't feel like it this evening, I went anyway - to the Cave Creek Rd Eōs Fitness for a light legs workout and four new fans, bringing my fan count to 1,207 :)
- Got to bed at 11:53 for 9 hours of sleep
Mon Dec 16 = After my morning routine,
Joshua Boyle, my good friend who is a videographer, photographer and my social media guru
phoned right on schedule for our weekly checkin. We mostly discussed my weekend experience and driving the Lamborghini. After his phone call I sent him all my video, image and audio files from the event.
- By then it was lunch time. During lunch I got a phone call from my neurologist's office saying they had an earlier appointment, so I agreed to go at 3:00 rather than 3:30 - not the best decision. Had I taken time to think it through I would have realized that I would not have time to get dressed, go to LA Fitness for a light arms workout,
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
(a day earlier than usual) and shower on the way. As it was I just did the
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
and shower at LA Fitness, then went to see my Neurologist - actually Tracey Redish, the FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner), for followup for my tests.
- The results of my EEG (electroencephalogram) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) showed evidence of past small ischemic strokes, so I'll be continuing with 81mg aspirin every other day. Tracey ordered a PET (positron emission tomography) scan, which is a computed tomography scan, using X-rays) scan with a radioactive tracer to create a 3D picture. This will help determine if my memory problems are due to being old or to early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's. Now I will forget about that and worry about how to be a comedian.
- On the way home I stoped by my favorite Anytime Fitness, the Moon Valley Location on North Seventh Street, where I did a light arms workout and got two new fans:
- I got home in time to pause and then have supper.
- I was slow, but after supper I balanced my checking account... to the penny... the first time... :)
- Then I finished most of my blog for today and did my monthly credit cards' payoffs.
- Here it was bedtime and halfway through December and I discovered a major problem with my website. On the Blog I discovered broken navigation buttons leading to November, 2024, which was missing. Major and embarrassing. It was not too hard to fix after I did some diagnosis. The problem: When I did my last Blog Rollover, for the first time, I forgot to upload the November Blog and the Blog Menu Navigation files.
- Got to bed at 11:28 for 9 hours of sleep
Tue Dec 17 = This morning I fixed my odd-day breakfast to eat on the way to wrap Christmas gifts for grandkids at Duet. My van's low-tire warning indicator showed the right rear at 27 lb. After giving the tire a quick visual and back-of-the-hand inspection at a red light, I decided it was OK to drive, especially since I was running close on time.
- At LA Fitness I did a light torso workout and got a new fan:
- Then on to Duet to help wrap Christmas gifts for grandfamilies (grandparents raising their grandkids). I wrapped gifts for a grandmother and the eight grandchildren she is raising, ranging in age from 10 to 18. Iris, the gift wrapper across from me became a new fan (second pic):
- Across the street from Duet is a Discount Tire, so I stopped by there and got my right-rear tire aired up and...
- got home in time to
I lay in the sun for 10 minutes on my back and 10 minutes on my stomach at solar noon when the sun rays are maximized for the skin's production of vitamin D
while I listened to Rich On Tech
from my phone through my hearing aids
- This afternoon I made an appointment with the Desert Ridge Simon Med for the PET (positron emission tomography) scan, which is a CT (computed tomography , using X-rays) scan with a radioactive tracer to create a 3D picture.
- To keep going today I had to take two naps: 30 minutes about 2pm and 12 minutes about 7pm.
- After reviewing some of my past medical procedures I waisted, sort of, a little over an hour researching skin, skin layers and skin cancers. I remembered doing the research previously but could not find it on my website so did it again, today, from a slightly different angle. This time I put it on my Definitions web page where I can find it next time. Here's the result:
skin layers (top to bottom) and cancers - easy to detect and treat but deadly if not detected
Squamous cells - flattened dead Basal cells that sluff off
Basal cells - round cells at the bottom of the epidermis, eventually
flatten and get to the surface as squamous cells
Merkel cells - interact with nerves for touch, textures etc
Melanocytes - produce melanin for a tan and sun protection
- I'm batting zero in getting contracts back from the veterans' posts for the five stand up comedy shows I have scheduled for California starting the last of February.
- Got to bed at 11:45 for 8:30 hours of sleep, needing to get up "early" to provide
Interestingly enough, she protested when I took Bell Road. It turns out that she avoids Bell at all costs. Too dangerous, she says. At her doctor's office I got a new fan:
- When I got drowsy this afternoon I took a 40 minute nap to catch up on sleep from last night.
- After supper I went to LA Fitness for a heavy legs workout to earn my delicious
The The 9oz chocolate/cinnamon protein treat, that I mix up six at a time, which is my weekly reward for doing a heavy legs workout
- This evening I checked out some things mentioned in December's AARP Bulletin and ordered some related toys.
- Got to bed at 11:47 for 9:01 hours of sleep
Thu Dec 19 = In addition to a little booking, today I looked for a Diamond D40 airplane to fly. Although an FBO at Falcon Field was shown to have one, plus a variety of other planes, when I phoned them, I found that they only have one airplane, a Cessna 172 and it will be down for maintenance when I would want it.
- My heavy arms workout for this evening was at Esporta Fitness where I got a new fan.
- In preparation for tomorrow, on my computer this evening I made my semi-monthly shopping list on Google Drive so it will also be available on my phone.
- I also watched Taking Care, a film by Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller-Rogen who have founded the Hilarity for Charity foundation. The film is a documentary about Lauren's mother who transformed from an involved, benevolent, responsible, in-control person into an unruly, yelling, out-of-control liability as the result of Alzheimer's, which runs in Lauren's family. This is a sort of depressing look at how bad Alzheimer's can become.
- If I get Alzheimers, I hope I am just a quite spaced-out ignoramus instead.
- Got to bed at 12:15 for 9:03 hours of sleep
Fri Dec 20 = Always learning new stuff: At noon a gentleman was parked beside my house in a new bedless truck reattaching his mud flaps with a 2x4. I asked him about a device on the side of the frame that looked like some type of turbine device. He explained that it was a DEF (Diesel Emissions Filter).
- I have been working hard trying to schedule six new open mics, but many of the venues do not answer their phones.
- Tonight's gym was a heavy but quick torso workout at the Moon Valley LA Fitness and three new fans:
- Got to bed at 11:47 hours of sleep
Sat Dec 21 = This morning I got word that I have been accepted for the New Faces show at
The Tempe Improv on Sunday, January 5th, so I added it to my calendar and to the appearance schedule on my website.
- My
the MacBook Pro I got in May 2023, with an m2 Max processor 64GB of memory and a 2TB SSD hard drive
did one of its tricks today. Running Firefox, it seems to have forgotten its cookies or such and Google, FaceBook, Instagram and TikTok saw it as a new device so I had to find my passwords and go through their complicated two-factor certifications :(
- I tentatively scheduled a Cirrius at Deer Valley Airport for the 27th. This will be a
- After watching videos for comedians appearing at the seven Phoenix area comedy clubs, I bought tickets for Gordie Brown at Rick Bronson's House of Comedy near Desert Ridge here in Phoenix.
- My plan was to stop by Mountainside Fitness on my way to the comedy show, but I decided to fire up my
The little Alcatel Plus 10 10" Windows 10 computer I bought to get me by in Tobago in 2017 after my Dell laptop died. Its 32-bit operating system with a x64-based processor is tight, with only 2gb RAM and a 32gb SSD hard drive, but the 128gb micro SD card helps.
instead, and make a bunch of tickets for my appearance at the Tempe Improv on January 5th.
- At the House of Comedy, Gordie Brown was excellent with all his impersonations and a lot of energetic actouts. Some I did not appreciate fully, not watching much TV or many movies. I did get a new fan:
- After the show I drove to Mountainside Fitness and found that they closed at 9:00. I went in anyway, checked in so they would get paid for a visit, walked back out and drove to Anytime Fitness for a light, fast legs workout.
- Got to bed at 12:30am for 8:36 hours of sleep
Sun Dec 22 = This morning I checked out and then added Hilarity for Charity to my Dec 19th blog. The organization supports caregivers of Alzheimer's victims.
- With my cell phone provider I double checked, that Number Lock is on to prevent criminals from doing any SIM swaping or porting my number.
- Thailand report: On my Google fi Flexible plan I would be covered while there - maybe 20¢ a minute with free texts and data up to 10 GB. Of course Thailand is a long shot.
- To my Technology web pate, I added the Garmin G500 TXi. It and the G600 TXi are newer than the fancier G1000, but have some more modern features like touch screens. They are less expensive than the G1000 and generally for smaller airplanes:
- To my email list I added 15 new fans since Dec 10th. Then I uploaded, to Mail Chimp, the 65 new email addresses I had back to Nov 9th and tagged about four as cleaned and two as unsubscribed. That wasn't all. Three of the uploaded email addresses were already in my MailChimp list and I had to correct three others that did not have a period before the email's domain extention. Net gain: 58.
- After supper I studied the Cirus CR20 airplane that I may be flying on December 27th. I printed out a checklist, V-Speeds, PFD (Primary Flight Data) screen and an airspeed indicator:
- This evening I went to the Desert Ridge Mountainside Fitness for a light arms workout and a new fan:
- Got to bed at 12:05 for 9 hours of sleep
Mon Dec 23 = First thing this morning I prepared for the weekly phone meeting with Josh Boyle, my Social Media Guru. We had a very productive session planning some new approaches for future reels, including aviation.
- It took a little longer than I expected (what else is new?) but I put high-tech airplanes that I have flown on my Technology Web Page where it will be easy to find for me next time:
Diamond DA-40
Cirrus CR20
- At 5:00 this evening I left on the one-hour drive to Matt and Becky's in Mesa for the Hayse (
Rose Anne
My X wife who lives in Flagstaff
family) Christmas party. We always have a lot of fun with our gift exchange and good food. Rose Anne brought the photo frame I gave her and I loaded it up with more family pictures.
- I left in time to get to
Devil's Advocate in time for the last show before they close their doors. There were a whopping 105 people to see the comedy open mic, bringing my total audience count to 43,016. I sold three T-shirts and got these four new fans:
- Got to bed at 1:33 for only 6:57 hours of sleep, needing to get up "early" to go to the Bradford's in the morning for the Self Christmas party.
Tue Dec 24 = Early to rise, at 8:30 this morning to have time for an elliptical ride and grapefruit before heading to Andy's & Kimy for the Self (that's my real last name) Christmas party. We had a good time, as usual. Of course
Both George & Cindy
my younger brother and his wife (who had a masive stroke in 2022) who live in east Mesa, Arizona
were there. They had arranged a special medical transport for Cindy. It was great to see her out and about.
- George, Cindy,
Rose Anne
My X wife who lives in Flagstaff
and I were the first generation. Here we are with our kids and spouses, the second generation:
- Their kids were the third generation:
- After our traditional breakfast casorole brunch we had some fun games for the third generation well planned by Kimmie.
- The first and second generations did a fun gift exchange with stealing. I made out with a little Singing Machine, a small Bluetooth PA system with two wireless microphones and a lot of other features.
- The third generation had drawn names so there were many happy campers.
- We said our goodby's and I headed home. When I got to my neighborhood I stopped by Albertson's for brussel sprouts on sale and Anytime fitness for a light torso workout and a new fan:
- After doing my blog, I got to bed at 1:02 for 9:14 hours of sleep
Wed Dec 25 = MERRY CHRISTMAS! It took all morning to check my emails and plan the day's project. I was going to include writing this blog, but there was not time.
- I got
The iRobot Roomba j7+ self-emptying robotic vacuum cleaner I bought in Jan 2023
started on the whole house and then
I lay in the sun for 10 minutes on my back and 10 minutes on my stomach at solar noon when the sun rays are maximized for the skin's production of vitamin D
with a beautifully clear blue Phoenix sky.
- This afternoon I organized the next video project to start on after a gym visit. The only gym open was my neighborhood Anytime Fitness so that's where I went for a heavy legs workout and three new fans:
- The day's project was to process the semi-disaster recordings from the
Desert Ridge Improv last month. That includes two stage-veos from
Joshua Boyle, my good friend who is a videographer, photographer and my social media guru
one audience recording from my camera #3 and sound from my body mic. Since the host introduced me five minutes before expected, I did not get my other four cameras rolling. Also the house video was not working.
- I got Josh's videos cropped and saved so the next step will be to see what I can do with a simulated four-multicam project.
- Things were complicated for about an hour when my browsers were not loading my website.
- Got to bed at 12:38 for 8:42 hours of sleep
Thu Dec 26 = This mornning I called Phonak to see if they could fix the problems I am having with their myPhonak app on my cell phone.
- Today I ran out of bread so have been using hotdog buns from my freezer.
- Before supper I went to Mountainside Fitness for a heavy arms workout to earn my
The The 9oz chocolate/cinnamon protein treat, that I mix up six at a time, which is my weekly reward for doing a heavy legs workout
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
a shower and two new fans:
- On the way home I stopped by Albertson's for a loaf of bread, about twice as expensive as Aldi's, but a lot closer.
- Got to bed at 11:40 for 9:20 hours of sleep
Fri Dec 27 = This morning I felt fairly well rested. It may be the 9:20 hours of sleep, so I'll try ti get that much sleep for a while and see if it makes a difference.
- With
Final Cut ProX the fancy video-editing software I bought from Apple Sept 9th, 2023 for my MacBook Pro
I tweaked some source videos from last month's Desert Ridge Improv (DRI) show, by re-cropping, re-sizing and increasing the exposure. Then I got the multicam video on the FCP timeline ready for combining of the four angles.
- After 20 days of not connecting, myPhonak (app on my cell phone) started properly connecting to both of my hearing aids. You might know that would happen after I spent about an hour on the phone with Phonak and scheduled a local audiologist appointment for next month.
- Today's trip was after supper to:
Aldi for bread. I bought their four remaining loves of 100% whole wheat
LA Fitness to check about being videoed there, a heavy torso workout and three new fans:
Planet Fitness to check about being videoed there
Goodwill where I looked at some shoes and bought a queen-sized comforter
Dollar Tree where I bought a couple CR2032 cells for my bathroom scale
- This evening I got the DRI video finished with four camera angles - pretty good, considering I started with only two cameras.
- Putting off yesterday's blog, I re-made my bed with a different philosophy. So far this fall, as the temperatures got cooler, I added layers (like a knit sheet, flannel sheet, bed spread, giant (52x108") towel and baby comforters for my feet.
- With the new philosophy I will go lightweight (and hopefully warm enough) with only a knit sheet, the big Queen-sized comforter I bought at Goodwill tonight for $7.50 and a baby comforter added to my feet. - Got to bed at 12:26 for 9:12 hours of sleep It turns out that the new covers scheme was perfect!
Sat Dec 28 = This morning I double checked my tour schedule and determined that I could drive a super car at the National Corvette Museum Motorsports Park raceway in Bowling Green, KY with Xtreme Experience as an activity while on tour. However I may try to save $90 by driving a Corvette CR Z06 rather than the Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 like I did here in Arizona.
- I also got the Desert Ridge Improv video from Nov 13th produced and published on my YouTube Channel:
- After supper I composed an email with Mail Chimp announcing my New Faces. Here's the scoop;
Sun Jan 5, 2025; 7:00pm;
Tempe Improv; 930 E University Dr; Tempe, AZ 85281 - New Faces 18+ w ID! FREE Admission if you tell the box office, by 6:30, you're there to see Arizona Lou
or show this ticket:
- My body wasn't excited about it, but I made myself go to the Cave Creek Rd Eōs Fitness. The convincing argument is that the light, fast legs workout would be short. A bonus was having fun and getting four new fans.
- Back home I added 10 fan email addresses from the last week and uploaded them to MailChimp.
- Before going to bed I measured for and ordered a white 6' micro USB cable for the Echo Dot I am moving from the master bedroom entry to the master bathroom entry, and I want the cord to match the wall without an extension. The move is because I now have the Echo Show in the kitchen.
- The Echo Show does not have very good microphones. Maybe it is because they are on the back of the unit. When I talk to it from the office it does not usually respond, but either of the echo dots respond from the lab or the master bathroom doorway.
- Got to bed at 11:33 for 9:20 hours of sleep
Sun Dec 29 = This morning I tweaked the MailChimp email announcing my Tempe Improve appearance and sent the email out to the 585 people on my Phoenix area list.
- It took me almost an hour to find and watch clips of all the comedians appearing in the valley next weekend. This allowed me to see some different slants on stand up comedy. I decided on John Lovitz at the Tempe Improv on Friday the third.
- Today's trip could have been a total disaster. It started out with my leaving home and getting to Walmart a little early for my 2:30 oil change. While they were chaanging the oil, which took about an hour, I got my favorite: a 4-color Bic pen and stashed it under one of their check-out computer screens, logged onto Walmart's Internet with my computer and my cell phone and worked on this blog.
- When I checked out, I paid for the pen and stuck it in the special pen pocket in my cargo pants. Everything good so far.
- My light arms workout went well at LA Fitness and as a bonus I got Mike as a new fan. We had to take the selfie with his phone because I did not have mine with me.
- On the way driving home I noticed that the Bic pen I had just purchased was not in my cargo pants' pen pocket. So lucky because I made a U turn at Bell and 7th St and went back to LA Fitness.
- After retracing some of the exercises I had done, I found the pen beside the bench where I had laid on my back for barbell triceps extensions. I also noticed a cell phone nestled up against the end of the bench. How careless, or trusting, of someone to leave their phone there. I changed my attitude when I picked it up and noticed it was mine! During this expedition I also got another fan:
- This outcome could have gone south really fast and resulted in months of recovery from losing my phone. I feel very lucky and hope I learned my lesson.
- Got to bed at 11:19 for 9:20 hours of sleep
Mon Dec 30 = MailChimp, this morning, sent me five email addresses that had unscribed from the 585 that I sent out yesterday. Not too bad at .85%. Twenty three percent of the recipients opened the emails, pretty good.
- After reconfiguring the south kitchen counter outlet to accommodate my new Echo Show and all the other things I have plugged in there (don't worry, they're all low-power) this morning, this evening I decided to try the Echo Show on the return of my office desk because on the kitchen counter it does not work from the office. Initial testing shows it to respond from both the office and from the kitchen.
- This evenning I made 30 more tickets for Sunday's show and, since I was using the
The little Alcatel Plus 10 10" Windows 10 computer I bought to get me by in Tobago in 2017 after my Dell laptop died. Its 32-bit operating system with a x64-based processor is tight, with only 2gb RAM and a 32gb SSD hard drive, but the 128gb micro SD card helps.
with my Dymo 280 as a printer, I also made a bunch of name stickers to put on my new little Singing Machine PA, its microphones and other things.
- Four days ago I had a sharp pain on the inside of my left foot's arch, for no apparent reason, when I put my weight on it. Maybe it is the way I had my foot turned. Since then the pain pops up more when I get up after sitting for a while. It is
unrelated to whether I am walking or running. After some Internet research (naturally) I have been heating, massaging, and doing specific exercises and stretches for the arch. Doesn't seem to be improving.
- Since I am going in next week for a PET scan of my brain I did a little research and added this information to my Definitions web page:
b. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) uses powerful magnets
c. CT scan (computerized tomography) is an x-ray scan
d. PET-MRI scan (positron emission tomography)
- While on my Definitions web page I browsed around for a while. Interesting!
- I never made it to a gym, so did a light torso workout here in my home gym.
- Got to bed at 11:59 for 9:20 hours of sleep
Tue Dec 31 = It took me all morning, but I finally got around to sending Kim Komando an email about being on my fan web page.
- Today I got the Dymo stickers I made yesterday (with my name or website and phone number) put on my new Singing Machine and got the rest of the stickers organized and put away.
- After supper I got all seven media files from last Monday's Devil's Advocate show uploaded and ready for
Final Cut ProX the fancy video-editing software I bought from Apple Sept 9th, 2023 for my MacBook Pro
- Since it was the only gym open I went to Anytime Fitness for a light full-body workout, a nice visit with Bikrum, a friend of my who is a doctor and from India and a neck-down shower
- Preparing for my next shopping trip, I got my Google Drive shopping list ready and added all the sale items from this week's grocery fliers that arrived in todays mail.
- For organization, tonight before going to bed I laid out, on my kitchen counter, tabs for all the topics for
Jarrod's Coffee, Tea & Art thursday and arranged the tabs in a logical order.
- Got to bed at 11:35 for 9:22 hours of sleep