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Arizona Lou

Blog Archive 2021 Aug

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Sun Aug 1 = The Camby, IN Walmart had shut down all oil changes due to lack of staff. I guess they make more money selling tires.
- I drove down to the Terre Haute IN Walmart. They were slow due to lack of staff and I had to supply my own oil filter cartridge (which I had purchased at an AutoZone) but I got the oil changed, still a little bit early. That's what I wanted since I have been doing quite a bit of idling to charge up my
our van's Lithium/Iron/Manganese/Phosphate/Oxygen house battery
for the last two months.
- Businesses across the country are begging for workers. And there are some who say they can't find jobs!
- Just before bedtime I made a booking phone call to the VFW Post 9785 in Eagle River, Alaska. Dave Joslin there mentioned that most of their officers were in Kansas City Mo at the national VFW conference... and I was spending the night at the Blue Springs Walmart, about 40 minutes northeast of KCMO. So I got to bed late, spending time on the Internet with my phone researching the conference and went to bed late, but with a game plan for the VFW conference tomorrow.
- Got to bed at 11:20

Mon Aug 2 = I was proud of myself, putting together a visit to a national conference at the last-minute. The VFW National Conference was being held at the Kansas City (MO) Convention center. They registered me as a guest and I spent about two hours rubbing elbows with some of the vets and staff. The whole thing cost me some gas, $7 for parking and a few business cards, which I want to use up so I can order more, only of me without glasses.
- I finished off the day by driving down to Wichita, KS, going to a Planet Fitness there for a short slow heavy torso workout and working at the Ford Rockwell Branch Library until they closed at 8pm.
- My van magically found a Walmart with overnight parking about eight miles west along Douglas, the main drag.
- Got to bed at 10:52

Tue Aug 3 = I am still a wimp, as I discovered at the Wichita Splask Park. I was sunning there at solar noon in my conservative Speedos when an overweight Black bully ragged on me for being in my underware with kids in the area, so I moved.
- Instead of compliantly moving, I could have said that I would move, but after we talked. - Next for me was going to the library where I phoned Alaska and then to Planet Fitness for a short slow heavy legs workout.
- Before turning in, thanks to my earlier phone call, I got the fourth confirmation email from an Alaska post, so the trip is a definite :)
- Got to bed in my favorite Wichita morning-shade spot at 10:18

Wed Aug 4 = Maze Rd in western Wichita is a-Maze-ing, with a Kroger, a Walmart Neighborhood Market, an Aldi and an Anytime Fitness, and this morning I went to all but the Walmart. At the Anytime Fitness I did a short slow heavy arms workout and at the Aldi I refilled my van's water supply; thank you Scott.
- About 6pm when I got to the Loony Bin Comedy club, there were already lots of comedians waiting for the list to come out at 7. Biggs put me number eight on the show. Thanks, Ron.
- My four minutes went well with a lot of laughs. I did an abbreviated version of Yoga.

- Got to bed at 11:40

Thu Aug 5 = At the library this morning I booked my flights for Alaska in November. I also produced last night's 4-camera shoot in 25 minutes and then got the video (above) uploaded to YouTube.
- At Planet Fitness I squeezed in a short slow heavy torso workout, which will be my last gym visit until I return to Phoenix.
- The audience of 20 at The Wichita Loony Bin was not particularly responsive to any of the comedians; even James Johann, the headliner. During my 5-minute guest appearance I did get them to laugh some.
- Got to bed at 11:35

Fri Aug 6 = I was later than expected, departing Wichita. This morning on Maize Rd at Aldi I did some grocery shopping, at the Anytime Fitness I updated my website and entered the sweapsteakes for three Royal Caribbean Covid-19 simulated cruises (12 times) and did a short elyptical session. Then, on my way west, I had lunch and deposited some T-Shirt cash at a Shared Branch credit union.
- I made it to Tuncumcari, NM for the night. On the way I epproximated the length of some of the trains on the parallel tracks as 2.5 miles.
- As usual my phone, Garmin Vivoactive watch and van clocks got all mixed up with the time zone changes from CT to MT, and tomorrow to MST for Arizona.
- Got to bed at 8:41

Sat Aug 7 = I got up very early and it was a long drive from Tucumcari NM to Payson AZ.
- At a nearby grocery store refueling in Gallup NM,I got a new fan.
Erika Padilla; Galup, NM Lowes Grocery Store 8/6/21

- In Payson I had a neat 1.5 hour visit with
Rose Anne
My X wife who lives in Payson by a lake
and then drove on to my home in Phoenix where I got my van all unloaded before sunset.
Summary of my Veterans Appreciation National Road Tour, 2021:
4 months of trip
118 nights sleeping in van
10,713 miles driven
16 states visited
9 states in which did comedy
18 full-length shows for veterans
5 shows for American Legion posts
1 shows for Amvets posts
12 shows for VFW posts
23 shows as producer and headliner
6 open mics
2 guest appearances
1 hosting a show
4 beach shows of appx one hour each
10 shows with opening comedians
1 show with a musician opening (my first)
8 radio appeaances
816 total of audiences during tour
40 Pictures added to my Fans web page
5 merch signings
107 T-Shirts sold, raising $497.55 for Duet
17 Albums sold (all Album #2)
2 kiteboarding sessions (Gulfport MS &
Hatteras Island and the Outer Banks off the coast of North Carolina
, NC)
1,243 appearances to the end of this road tour
32,323 total of comedy audiences to the end of this tour

- Two unexpected things at home: I found the house water valve turned on. As a safety, I remember turning it off before leaving. Fortunately there was no leak, the most likely being a washing machine hose bursting.
- One of the biggest messes ever was the second thing. Evidently the power went out, probably for a day or more, and everything in the freezer melted, spoiled and refroze. Both the freezer and the refrigerator side smelled rotten. Cleaning up will be an additional project that I do not need.
- Got to bed at 11:23 for a good night's sleep in my bed at home with my CPAP - the first time in four months.

Sun Aug 8 = This morning I triaged my refrigerator and figured how to approach the mess. I am motivated by needing to have a place for the groceries I plan to buy tomorrow and... THE SMELL! Just about everything you see in the left picture is rotten. The right picture is how it looked on Monday after several hours of work and just before turning it back on. Thank goodness I still have the temporary use the little Engle refrigerator from my van.
mess cleaned
- Would you believe I got the wrong dates for my Alaska flights? It appears that the default dates slipped in, so I am booked to fly to Anchorage on August 26 and back on September 1st. Not a good plan since I have booked my shows in November! The airline customer service office is closed until Monday. We'll see if I can wiggle out of this one.
- At solar noon I lay in the sun for 14 minutes, working my way up to my usual Phoenix 20 minutes. After that I cut my hairs; almost 2 months since last time, the middle of June.
- Got to bed at 11:41

Mon Aug 9 = Today's big project was, of course, cleaning the rotten mess which is my refrigerator. I put over 14 pounds of rotten stuff in the trash.
- Yea for Alaska Airlines! I phoned and, as a one-time courtesy, they gave me credit and canceled the wrong dates that I had put in for my non-refundable ticket. I rebooked for the correct dtes and now am a loyal Alaska customer.
- When I called Cox yesterday to re-activate my Internet, Ernest explained that, due to the change to fiber to my house that, unlike I was told before leaving on my tour, that a technician would have to come out, couldn't come until Fri Aug 27th between 8 and 10 and that it would cost me $100, which, after I requested, he said he would credit to my account. What HE DIDN'T TELL ME was that he was putting me into a 12-month contract with a $125 early termination fee :(
- Since I am constantly fatigued and have slight numbness in some right toes, I took my second 2500 Mcg Vitamin B-12 pill today. I am going to try it for a week and see if it helps.
- This eveining I did my first gorcery shopping since gettin home and spent about $66 for two weeks worth, a bunch of money for me. I essentially had no food at home.
- Got to bed at 11:32 :(

Tue Aug 10 = Much of the day, trying to book a comedy show for my open date in Alaska, I phoned and emailed additional veterans posts in the Anchorage area.
- I need the Internet and am paying extra to use data while tethered to my cell phone as a hot spot. I phoned Ray of Cox Communications and he indicated that I might be able to get onto the Internet under the old system before they install the fiber optic connection. He tried a lot of things, but nothing worked. He is going to keep trying and get back to me. One advantage of the fiber is that it will be symetrical: the upload speed will be the same as the download speed. Good for uploading my YouTube videos.
- About bedtime, I purchased the AOPA e
Flight Instructor Refresher Course I have to take every two years to renew my CFI licence
(online version), since they are doing no live, in person, courses in 2021.
- Got to bed at 10:32

Wed Aug 11 = When I was in Gulfport MS, I shipped myself one of my first five-foot posters. This afternoon I hung it up in the hallway, which is not the best place, but the easiest. The poster would fit best in my master bedroom above the head of my bed, but that would involve too much work like moving the bed and bringing in a ladder. Always something for a future project.
- I made the first set of six protein frosties since my tour. The five in the freezer had melted and were sour.
- In my first trip to the Moon Valley LA Fitness since I got home, I did a short slow medium-weight legs workout.
- Got to bed at 10:37

Thu Aug 12 = At solar noon I sunned, sort of, considering it was partly cloudy.
- This afternoon I looked over my list of all 18 shows I did for veterans on my tour and picked seven that had the biggest audiences. I'll use the resulting chart to decide which ones to produce, which is a BIG job.
- I wasted more time with Cox Communications trying to get the Internet service for which they are charging, but I am not receiving.
- Alaska phoned to confirm, so I will be doing comedy shows on all five of my nights in the Anchorage area.
- I took time and checked out the comedians appearing at the six valley comedy clubs and bought tickets to see the best: Michael Yo at the Tempe Improv tomorrow evening.
- Got to bed at 10:13

Fri Aug 13 = Schedule wise, I attempted to reconnect with Dr Ross, my flight surgeon and made an appointment with Dr Pyritz, my optomitrist. My online chat with Cox Cable about my lack of Internet was fuitle.
- I reformatted the HTML code for the chart sumarizing my Veterans Appreciation National Road Tour to make the code more readable. The chart, itself, is unchanged
- This afternoon's BIG project was to analyze all the audio and camera angles for the seven finalists for production from my tour. I narrowed it down to Gulfport MS for a small audience of 14 and to Athens TN for a large audience of 58.
- Tonight's show at The Tempe Improv was great and well worth my drive. My comedian friend, Luis Alverez was an awesome host and got the people laughing with his 14 minutes. Mike Wifield was the feature with 27 minutes and Michael Yo the headliner with 45 minutes for a nearly full house. Michael kept the place rocking.
- Got to bed at 10:34

Sat Aug 14 = Last night we got .505" of rain which was perfect for watering in the preemergence granules that Larry Biller, my landscaper, applied in the back yard on Tuesday.
- It took me 5.5 hours to produce a 70-minute video from Gulfport MS that involved four cameras and an audio recording. What took so long was combining files because all but one of my cameras, an old LG-3 cell phone, split their recordings into four gigabyte files which need to be combined into one file for each camera.
- Then I use the four video files and the audio from my body mic to produce the final product with lots of laughs and good shots.
- I can't upload the result to YouTube until Cox gets my Internet working.
- Before bedtime, since Cox Internet is not working, I went to my neighborhood Anytime Fitness to download two weeks of podcasts by Leo Laporte and Clark Howard, my favorites. While the podcasts were downloading I did a short slow torso workout.
- Got to bed at 10:34

Sun Aug 15 = About a week ago, a whole bunch of buggs gave their lives while they messed up the front of my van on my drive home to Phoenix. Before it heated up this morning, armed with a spray bottle filed with mild detergent, I cleaned them off. I did a lot of presoaking so as not to damage the van's finish or sensors.
- Combining video files from my appearance in Athens, TN and then producing the video, resulted in a video with no sound, and I don't know why. buggs
- I balanced (within $6) my checking account and then projected my budget through October. I saved a lot of time after I discovered that I can search/replace all in a selection, so was able to change my duplicated September to October in one step :)
- Today I also colated the paper bills that arrived while I was gone, paid the monthlies that are not on automatic and changed the due date for a Bank of America credit card so I won't forget to pay it.
- Got to bed at 10:29

Mon Aug 16 = This morning I checked a little box in Power Director 18 and re-produced yesterday morning's video from Athens TN... with sound. Whew!
- This afternoon I produced the 64-minute video of my show in Chattanooga TN. They laughed a lot more than the audience in Athens.
- Eleven days without Cox Internet, and counting :(
- This evening at the best car wash anywhere, which is near me, I washed my van's engine with a wand in one of their bays and ran through their automatic touchless system... the van, not me.
- Then at my home LA Fitness (Moon Valley) I did a
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
, a shower and a short light full-body workout.
    At the gym I saw two young gentlemen working out (not together).
  1. David, 21, walks with a cane. He was ejected in a car accident about a year ago, is in pain, and does not have a lot to look forward to. But he IS at the gym and still moving!
  2. Kyus, about the same age was interested in my website and comedy. Hopefully both will get some helpful ideas from my website.
- Got to bed at 11:05 :(

Tue Aug 17 = This morning Larry Biller, my landscaper came over to spray my weeds in the back and to trim my shurbs in the front. Thanks, Larry.
- Today's bigest project took over an hour of focused concentration: analyzing laughs for my Chattanooga show. I feel pretty good being able to get 5.86 laughs per minute and keep them laughing 27% of the time during my 64:37 minute show. The numbers would have been better if their PA system did not have problems.
- Another porject that turned out easier than I expected was movingd the Summary of my Veterans Appreciation National Road Tour, 2021 to its own include file. That way I can revise the summary in only one place, regardless how many times it appears on my website, like on my Blog, Blog Archive and my Trips web pages.
- This evening I went to LA Fitness Moon Valley specifically on the chance I would see my new friend from Monday there: David. I got in a short light fast full body workout and also connected with David.
- David has a story to tell, as he been in rehab for over a year from his bout with physics. He was drinking and driving without wearing a seat belt and was ejected after his close encounter with a tree and a power pole. His body is all in one piece, but things don't work very well. He is articulate and determined and would be an ideal person to influence other about having stupid fun.
- Got to bed at 10:23

Wed Aug 18 = It was dark, stormy and rainy during the night and this morning so I disconnected my computer from everything in case of a powerline lightning strike. Rain continued much of the rest of the day.
- Today I found two long (4 months) lost things in the under-closet box from my van: 1) my box of about 300 vinyl stickers and 2) the two RF remote control Plugs by Syantek, which I put in my office and for my north kitchen light. Now I do not need Alexa, which is not working because COX Internet has been down for 12 days.
    Now I have five-channel control over:
  1. Kitchen lights
  2. Stereo power
  3. Office (light & computer screens)
  4. Light I use at night when I go to the bathroom
  5. White-sound machine in my bedroom

- On the way to my first comedy appearance since getting home, I made my first stop at Fitness 1 for a short slow heavy legs workout and did some shopping at Dollar Tree and two Goodwill stores, trying to find some warm boots for Alaska.
- I got to El Charro Hipster about 6:00 for the 7pm show and was around #23 on the list. I went up at 9:11 for my five minutes.
- I need to get the Chattanooga video I produced on Monday up on my Press Kit web page because it is probably my best hour show yet. Because my Internet at home was not working, I used the El Charro's Internet to upload the video. The upload was not finished by the time I left about 10pm so I finished it here at home tethered to my cell phone.

- Got to bed at 11:41 :(

Thu Aug 19 = This afternoon I saw my optometrist. My eyes are OK and pretty much unchanged. The Dr filled out the FAA Form 778500-7 in all its picky minute details.
- On the way back home I bought 11 pounds of frozen vegetables at Winco, did a short slow heavy arms workout at LA Fitness and bought four pounds of green grapes, on sale at Fry's.
- At home I composed FaceBook and Twitter digs on Cox for my non-existent Internet for two weeks. Before sending the digs I thought I would give Cox one last call.:)
- After a lot of hold times I finally got Toya, a level two tech in Chesapeake VA who put my fiber install on hold then was able to activate my modem. I've got Internet now. Thanks, Toya!
- I spent too long dinking around on my new Internet and...
- Got to bed at 11:02 :(

Fri Aug 20 = I sunned at solar noon - now up to 9 minutes on a side, still adjusting to the Phoenix sun.
- My big project today was to make this ticket for next month's show. I'll only get five minutes, but it should be a large, fun, crowd. I stopped by the Paradise Valley Office Max to make 16 of the tickets.

- This evening I went to CB Live to see Pablo Fransisco. JJ did an excellent job at the door getting all the guests checked in. It was a pretty full house. Pablo did 34 minutes of antics. His feature, Dustin Ybarra had the audience rocking with his 26 minutes. Short Bus did 12 minutes of fun. The host was Juan Garcias.
- While at CB Live I met the new manager, Matt Tucker, and got his approval for my tickets (above).
- Got to bed at 10:44

Sat Aug 21 = In ernest today I started focusing on additional shows, mostly for next year. That meant organizing and sending emails out for second appearances at veterans' posts where I already did shows. It might be a good sign if they want me back and there might be larger audiences due to word-of-mouth. If they don't want me back, that's OK too. As I get better, more will want me back.
- This evening I did a short slow heavy torso workout at LA Fitness Moon Valley just before they closed.
- Got to bed at 10:44 - late, but at least consistent.

Sun Aug 22 = After breakfast, instead of focusing on booking more shows for next year, I impulsed and added to Oura Ring on my Technology web page, a link to stuff inside the ring and this Sleep Cycle image:
Sleeping graph
- It took me 50 minutes just before lunch to reconfigure my WiFi router (Cox had had me reset it to factory) and to get my two Echo Dots online. Always iffy projects.
- After a nap I decided I would test my voice for Alaska's five shows in five nights by talking continuously for an hour for each of five consecuitive days. Today was Day 1.
- On the way home from a short light legs workout at the Moon Valley LA Fitness, I bought some bananas at Sprouts and Bashas.
- I had an hour to kill before bedtime, so I worked on this Blog a little and started the 2021 Veterans Appreciation National Road Tour for my TRIPS web page.
- Got to bed at 9:59 :)

Mon Aug 23 = This morning was awesome! After my morning routine and breakfast I went to the nearby COX Store just as they were opening at 10:00. Since there were quite a few people waiting, I went to the nearby LA Fitness for a short light fast arms workout, then back to the Cox Store. I was impressed with their use of technology to sign in customers and communicate with a big screen display so you can see your name as it gets closer to the top of the queue.
- Since I will be getting fiber optic service the first of next month, I thought it would be a good idea to educate myself, so I spent about an hour on the project, which included adding the following information to my Definitions web page:

SFP - Small Form-factor Pluggable, or mini-GBIC (gigabit interface converter) converts copper electrical signal, such as an Ethernet cable, to signal for a fiber optic cable

fiber optic cable - plastic or glass light guides for the transmission of data used with an SFP
Fiber Cables SPF
- So I can compare my Cox slowest Internet before and after they install fiber, I did some speed tests. They were all similar. If you follow any of these links, ignore the big green buttons which lead to rogue advertising and maybe links to viruses. Internet Speed Tests, all tests used Cox Basic plan (up to 25 Mbps download & up to 3 Mbps upload) grouped by:
          Coaxial cable, then with
          Fiber on WiFi (always 5G), then with
          Ethernet, then
          Tethered to a cell phone

Internet Speed Tests: with
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
on WiFi with my old
Netgear 6220 Router USING Cox 25gbs COAXIAL CABLE Service
Speed TestDownloadUploadPingJitter
DATE 8/23/21 TIME (unknown) USING COAX
DSL Reports 30.4 Mbps 3.07 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 28.96 Mbps 2.93 Mbps -- millisecond (not given)
AT&T 29.2 Mbps 2.9 Mbps --millisecond --millisecond
COX 28.8 Mbps 3.0 Mbps --millisecond --millisecond
DATE 8/24/21 TIME 3:33pm USING COAX
DSL Reports 19.55 Mbps 2.93 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 21.36 Mbps 2.95 Mbps 12 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 20.9 Mbps 2.9 Mbps 11 millisecond 6
COX 21.1 Mbps 3.0 Mbps 18 millisecond 41
AVERAGE 25.03 Mbps 2.96 Mbps 13.67 millisecond 23.5

Internet Speed Tests: with
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
on WiFi with my old
Netgear 6220 Router USING Cox 25gbs FIBER-OPTIC Service
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/11/21 TIME 3:42 pm USING FIBER
DSL Reports 26.3 Mbps 3.88 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 17.6 Mbps .37 Mbps 15 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 18.6 Mbps .4 Mbps 7 millisecond 2
COX 19.4 Mbps .4 Mbps 15 millisecond 1
AVERAGE 20.48 Mbps 1.26 Mbps 12.33 millisecond 1.5
Internet Speed Tests: with
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
on WiFi with
Cox Panoramic PW7 Router USING Cox 25gbs Fiber-Optic service
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/11/21 TIME 5:32 pm USING FIBER
DSL Reports 28.1 Mbps 3.60 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 28.79 Mbps 2.99 Mbps 20 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 28.4 Mbps 3.0 Mbps 8 millisecond 20
COX 27.9 Mbps 3.0 Mbps 12 millisecond 2
AVERAGE 28.30 Mbps 3.15 Mbps 13.33 millisecond 11
Internet Speed Tests: with
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
on WiFi back to my old
Netgear 6220 Router USING Cox 25gbs FIBER-OPTIC Service
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/13/21 TIME 2:50 pm USING FIBER
DSL Reports 28.1 Mbps 3.84 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 20.59 Mbps .37 Mbps 6 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 21.6 Mbps .4 Mbps 77 millisecond 2
COX 21.5 Mbps .3 Mbps 39 millisecond 285
AVERAGE 22.95 Mbps 1.23 Mbps 40.67 millisecond 143.5

Internet Speed Tests: with Ethernet/USB adapter plugged into the L USB port of
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
Netgear 6220 Router USING Cox 25gbs FIBER-OPTIC Service
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/13/21 TIME 8:00 pm USING FIBER
DSL Reports 29.6 Mbps 3.46 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 29.28 Mbps 2.92 Mbps 7 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 29.1 Mbps 3.1 Mbps 3 millisecond 12
COX 28.8 Mbps 3.0 Mbps 10 millisecond 1
AVERAGE 29.20 Mbps 3.12 Mbps 6.67 millisecond 6.5
Internet Speed Tests: with my old Netgear 6220 Router plugged into an
Ethernet/USB adapter, plugged into a
3.0 USB hub, plugged into a
2.0 USB hub, plugged into the
Right USB port of my
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
USING Cox 25gbs FIBER-OPTIC Service
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/14/21 TIME 3:10 pm USING FIBER
DSL Reports 28.6 Mbps 3.03 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 29.38 Mbps 2.86 Mbps 4 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 29.0 Mbps 3.0 Mbps 4 millisecond 6
COX 29.2 Mbps 3.1 Mbps 3 millisecond 8
AVERAGE 29.05 Mbps 3.00 Mbps 3.67 millisecond 7
Internet Speed Tests: with my old Netgear 6220 Router plugged into an
Ethernet/USB adapter, plugged into a
3.0 USB hub, plugged into the
Right USB port of my
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
USING Cox 25gbs FIBER-OPTIC Service
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/14/21 TIME 3:20 pm USING FIBER
DSL Reports 30.8 Mbps 2.94 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 29.32 Mbps 3.05 Mbps 14 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 29.4 Mbps 2.9 Mbps 4 millisecond 3
COX 7.5 Mbps 2.9 Mbps 3 millisecond 2
AVERAGE 29.26 Mbps 2.95 Mbps 7 millisecond 2.5

Internet Speed Tests: with
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
on WiFi, tethered to a Pixel 4a on Google Fi
Speed Test Download Upload Ping Jitter
DATE 9/13/21 TIME 3:05 pm TETHERED
DSL Reports 29.8 Mbps 2.89 Mbps (not given) (not given)
Ookla 20.18 Mbps .34 Mbps 7 millisecond (not given)
AT&T 16.1 Mbps .4 Mbps 8 millisecond 3
COX 21.3 Mbps .3 Mbps 51 millisecond 1
AVERAGE 21.85 Mbps .98 Mbps 22.00 millisecond 2
Bottom Line, using the Cox Starter 25 Plan of up to 25 Mbps upload and up to 3 Mbps download:
Fiber optic is about the same speed as coaxial cable.
Cox's Panormic PW7 Router is slightly faster than my Netgear 6220 Router, but definately not worth its $144 yearly rent.
The fastest internet is Eathernet hard wire adapted to my
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
's 3.0 USB port (over Netgear 6220 WiFi by about 26% downloading and 253% uploading)
My tethered cell phone is only about 4% slower than my Netgear 6220 WiFi

- I have been doing shows for veterans long enough now that I am getting some return bookings :) This afternoon it was for Sat Mar 12, 2022; 7:00pm; VFW Post 1763; 2485 E 14th St; Yuma, AZ 85365. Mark Martinez, Cmdr, should be great to work with. Maybe he will even come to the show next year.
- Got to bed at 11:28

Tue Aug 24 = At Solar noon I lay in the sun for my full 10 mminutes on a side; first time since getting home.
- I went to the Cox Store to starighten out, in my mind, that I will be able to put my account on hold while I am on my road tour. It will cost me $10 per month - up too nine months.
- LA Fitness was my next stop for a short light fast torso workout.
- My new goLEDgo colored LED sign was properly delivered at my back door, thank you UPS :) My evening's project was to get it figured out. It is fully programmed and operatable remotely from a smart phone via Wi-Fi with no Internet. Programing is so much easier than my old sign. I will have to rethink my messages because the new sign is shorter and wider (16 x 64 dots of full color). The old sign is 8 x 80, red only.
LED sign LED sign
- Got to bed at 11:16

Wed Aug 25 = Today worked like clockwork. This morning I emailed Searcy, Arkansas about scheduling another show for next year, ate my lunch, did a
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
, took a bath and headed out to my dentist.
- The dental assistant measured my gum pockets and they were stable about the same as before. This was an experiment since I was not using a water pick the past four month during my tour :)
- After the dentist I continued my trip, passing out tickets and information for my New Faces show at CB Live in the nearby Desert Ridge mall.
- At Mountainside Fitness I did a short slow heavy legs workout, then went south to Office Max where I made 32 more tickets for the show. My ticket supply was down to zero.
- I have decided that I do not need the monstorous power tower I have in my bedroom gym and a simple dip stand will do, so I stopped by Play-It-Again and spoke with the owner about maybe buying my monster.
- Back home, I reanalyzed dip stands and ordered the Fuel Pureformance Deluxe Dip Station cheap from BigbangZshop.com although they did not get good reviews. I could have gotten the dip stand throuth Amazon for $60 more. To protect myself I used a credit card and will keep an eye on things. If Big Bangz falls through, I'll probably get the Fuel Pureformance Deluxe Dip Station with straps and rings.
- Tonight I got familiar with some of the finer features of my new goLEDgo colored LED sign.
- Got to bed at 10:50

Thu Aug 26 = Online this morning I bought Jim Gaffigan tickets for the Phoenix Celebrety Theater on October 9th. Some of his shows there are already sold out.
- I accumulate things in my Amazon shopping cart that I don't need right away until they total $25 for free shipping. Today was the day to buy a suction cup for my OldShark GS505 Dashboard Camera V1 and four Univen 8 Oz Mini Blender Jars to replace the one I lost about five months ago somewhere in an insulated cover full with one of my Protien Frosties. It should be pretty rancet by now, wherever it is.
- I drove the 40 miles down to Improv Mania for this week's comedy appearance in Chandler.
- About 30 comedians waiting on the sidewalk outside gave me a cheer and hero's welcome when they saw me approach from the east side of the street. Guess they were surprised that I was still alive, considering they hadn't seen me there since February. Surely made me feel good. I wish I had recorded it.
- Having got there about 6:30 for the 7:00 show, I was comedian number 34 on the show and did my new five-minute Criminal routine at about 10:45pm. The 18 people still there during my set brought my total audience count, so far, up to 32,341. It was my 1,245th appearance, in case anyone is counting.
- On the way home, I headed south to a Winco Food store for some necessary groceries. I knew I was going to get to bed late.
- Got to bed at 2:01am

Fri Aug 27 = This morning I ordered 6, 1 lb packs of whole psyllium husks from swansonvitamins.com - the best deal anywhere with 99¢ for shipping. This should last me about 16.5 weeks or 3.8 months.
- WinCo Foods is my shopping go-to store. I admire the employee-owned store to the point that I spent about an hour this afternoon reading about the store and looking at some of their stores and distribution centers in five states.
- This afternoon I took a long nap to make up for my last short night.
- After supper I did a short slow heavy arms workout at LA Fitness and went around looking for a bag of whole psyllium husks to tide me over until my Swanson order arrives on . No one seems to have them Thursday next week.
- Got to bed at 12:08 am

Sat Aug 28 = I got my website and email done after breakfast, but that put me later than I like for my Show Bookings.
- This afternoon I went to LA Fitness for a short slow heavy torso workout.
- The nearby Sprouts was the only place I found with reasonably priced psyllium husks so I bought a pound to tide me over until my order arrives on Thu.
- In the mail I got a letter from my insurance company, Amica Mutual, that they have deposited a dividend of about $250 in my checking account. It is nice to be one of the owners of an insurance company, as with mutual companies..
- Before starting to work on my
Flight Instructor Refresher Course I have to take every two years to renew my CFI license
this evening I thought I'd spend a couple minutes getting my Pixel 4a phone to work with my new LED sign.
LED sign
- After an hour I was not successful, but out of time to work on the FIRC.
- Got to bed at 10:00 :)

Sun Aug 29 = This morning I made this map of my Alaska tour in November.
LED sign
- I worked on my
Flight Instructor Refresher Course I have to take every two years to renew my CFI license
for about an hour.
- My big website project was to finish and put online a new Custom T-Shirt Orders page and links so people here in Phoenix can more easily order my logo on custom shirts etc.
- By more trial and more error I finally got my Pixel 4a to work with my new LED sign, using a couple of irksome workarounds.
- My evening gnarly project was adding this picture of my Home Gym here on Smart Stuff

and moving the BMI chart down before the Stroke information.

- Got to bed at 11:06 :(

Mon Aug 30 = First thing this morning I phoned
my younger brother George's wife
, returning a voice mail she left while I was still sleeping. We arranged to get together on Saturday and I bought tickets for her and George to see Jim Gaffigan with me in October. We won't be sitting together because the seats are nearly sold out.
- The online
Flight Instructor Refresher Course I have to take every two years to renew my CFI licence
took a couple of hours for a couple of lessons.
- With the experience of using the chasing red LED sign on my last tour, I orgnized 14 messages for my new colored sign, emphasizing Arizona Lou comedy 7:00 tonight, which is the main message.
- I spent some time booking shows, with organizing things, emails and phone calls.
- I went to two gyms: LA Fitness for a short fast light legs workout and then Planet Fitness for a short fast light arms workout.
- This evening I figured out and calendared my open mics for September (only one per week) and put them up on my Comedy Home page.
- I had a headache most of last night, all of today and going to bed this evening. During the day I got very drowsy. I hope I am not comming down with something. The gyms may not have been the best idea. My oral temperature was normal at bedtime and during the night.
- Got to bed at 10:38

Tue Aug 31 = I started the day off with a phone call to
George & Cindy
my younger brother and his wife who live in Mesa, Arizona and have a mountain place in Christopher Creek
and then about an hour working on the online
Flight Instructor Refresher Course I have to take every two years to renew my CFI license
- To force myself to take it easy, I hooked up my new goLEDggo chasing color sign up on a cabinet in front of my couch by the TV, took my old Nexus 6p cell phone and sank down in my couch with the notes I had created the day before. For a couple hours I barely lifted a finger, using the phone's voice recognition to program the sign through the Wi-Fi interface. Got it all done. Now the sign goes through its almost five-minute sequence announcing, among other things, Arizona Lou, Comedian, 7:30pm Tonight.
- Before bedtime I had some time left so did the shopping list for tomorrow's semi-monthly grocery shoppng. I was a little late getting to bed but felt good about what I had accomplished.
- Got to bed at 10:45

- Here is where Google tracked me during August, 2021:
- map

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