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Arizona Lou

Blog Archive 2021 Jun

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Tue Jun 1 = A full, full day!
- I got up at 5:54 and phoned Beach 104's Jody for a short blip on 104.1 FM about this evening's Comedy-n-Sunset show.
- After breakfast I went in to the OBX Sports Club and renewed my membership for another year.
- About 10am I made it to the studios of Beach 104 and met with Steve Borneman, the general manager, about my availability as a side kick for Jody for his morning show from 6-10am.
- Then I scooted south to distribute my Comedy-n-Sunset posters. I got as far as Dollar Tree when it was time to head back up to the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites for my Merch Signing and to leave T-shirts there for them to sell.
- Then on south with my posters and to the Billy Mitchell air strip where I quickly updated my website and refolded my van's comforter. It was a sandy mess since I used my still-sandy giant beach towel as covers last night.
- I had just enough time to head back up to Haulover where I met George Wagner who was my opener. I did not have time to set up any video recording equipment. It is just as well because our audience was a father and his daughter. They came specifically for the comedy show and laughed a lot.
- Dollar Tree moved its closing time up from 9 to 8. I didn't notice but, fortunately someone was there to take my stool at 8:21.
- I wasn't sure where to spend the night so headed to the Billy Mitchell air strip. I went right past it and found a quite unoccupied spot in the Frisco Campground.
- Got to bed at 10:23

Wed Jun 2 = I was up and out of the campground before 9am, going to the Frisco Market parking lot for breakfast and to buy two nice ripe bananas.
- Due to the long one way roads, to find the best morning shade, I had to drive around the whole park about seven times this morning.
- At the Billy Mitchell air strip terminal, I swept the floor cleaned the rug and registered for campsite B006 for Sunday and Monday nights. My Lifetime National Parks Senior Pass got me 50% off for $14/night.
- I sent Duet the profits and donations from my Apr & May shows.
- Got to bed at 10:23 in the Frisco Campground spot B006 with almost perfect shade in the morning.

Thu Jun 3 = Quite a few people were out kiteboarding today, but not me. My first task was to head up to the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites to take care of some business with Kat, the manager. That business included my complements for Zane who was very helpful on Tuesday and checking to see about parking my van there at night when I am on Hatteras Island during June this year.
- I went to the first turn-out north of Avon, shifted things so I could get to my kite equipment and then quit, deciding that I had my plate pretty full of comedy today.
- Food Lion shopping was on my list heading south, as was buying a third pair of sunglasses from Dollar Tree because I could not find the first two. Of course, about two hours I found the second pair where I had put it as a spare in the door side of my right seat box. The first pair is still occupying an undisclosed location.
- I did not waste too much time heading south so I could get in a little sun/run on the beach at the Bath House under a hazy sky.
- The rest of the day I spent at the Billy Mitchell Air Strip, mostly with my graphics hat on, tracking which veterans' posts needed 8-up microposters and emailing them out.
- Last thing I did was to start a massive spread sheet to start using for booking with my 2022 comedy appearances. It might be a little slow at first, but I will be able to find post information by phone number, name of contact and a whole lot of other fields. I have been unable to find any booking software. Up to this point I have used paper calendar charts, contact information sheets and booking grids.
- Got to bed at 10:09 in the Frisco Campground (FCG) spot B010. Morning shade did not apply because it rained all night and into the morning.

Fri Jun 4 = Today was a mostly office day. I started a new email label for my opening comedians, tweaked and filled in a couple veterans' posts on my new massive booking spreadsheet, picked up my delivered T-Shirt order from Kitty Hawk Kites in Avon, did a little shopping (including a dustpan for the Billy Mitchell Air Strip Terminal), put out a poster at Red Drum Tackle in Buxton and worked on my website.
- Got to bed at 10:11 in FCG spot A012.

Sat Jun 5 = This morning I retrieved my lost sunglasses, pair#1, in my van from between the driver's seat and the console where they had evidently fallen. Now I have three pair: #1 on my head, #2 in the right side of my right seat box as a spare and #3 in my van's map compartment as a second spare.
- At the Billy Mitchell Air Strip Terminal, I got iKitesurf for
Hatteras Island and the Outer Banks off the coast of North Carolina
fully working on my new Pixel 4a phone, updated my website and processed my new T-Shirt order. This, always a big job, went fairly smoothly. A father who flew in a charter plane bought two T-shirts: for one of his boys and his friend.
- I added a high resolution PDF of this poster to my INDEX web page:
(High Resolution PDF of Comedy-n-Sunset Poster)
poster CnS
- Google sent me this map of my trip so far (May portion to 104 places in 15 cities):
- A problem for me has been drinking my last water by about 1:30pm, so I came up with the bright idea of moving my lunches from noon to 1pm. Today was my first day to give it a try. I think it is going to work well.
- After lunch I drove up to the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites store and filled out the T-Shirt sizes they were missing until my order arrived. Then on up to Rodanthe and the Kitty Hawk Kiteboarding Center.
    - I joined a bunch of folks for an awesome 3-mile downwinder from the Salvo Day Use Area to the Kitty Hawk Kites facility. What fun, riding with:
  1. Kevin Lawrence, Chief Instructor for Kitty Hawk Kites
  2. Beth Argentiri
  3. Robert Head
  4. Anna Tesdesco
  5. Spencer
  6. Chad Striklin
  7. Thomas Houser
  8. Jack Wiling
  9. Me, Arizona Lou
It was all worthing digging my kiteboarding equipment out from my van's 3rd row stow-n-go seat compartment.
- Got to bed at 10:10 in Rodanthe at the Kitty Hawk Kites parking lot.

Sun Jun 6 = Before I left Rodanthe I checked out an eFoiling. Kitty Hawk Kites offers only a 3-hour lesson/practice for $300. No time for that today. I did watch this instructional video:

- Heading down south, I stopped by the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites store and snapped this picture of the neat display they have for my merch:
- The rest of my Sunday included my Billy Mitchell office, shopping and telling a few people about Tuesday's Comedy-n-Sunset, Checking into space B006 at the FCG, back up to the Haulover Day Use Area to tell the sunset viewers about Tuesday's show, then back to B006 for the night.
- Got to bed at 9:28 :)

Mon Jun 7 = I hung around the Billy Mitchell air strip until about then noon then went down to the FCG.
- I did a walk/jog the .2 miles out to the beach and got 24 minutes of cloudy sun and did a 3:24 minute over-the-dune/boardwalk run back to my van with a resulting pulse of 132bpm.
- Back at home in FCG B006 I had lunch then leisurely had a poo, did a
poster trim
weekly trimming of my beard, eye brows and little quiff so I match my poster photos
took a COLD shower (because there was only cold water) and changed my underwear. How refreshing!
- Back at the air strip terminal, I updated both of my Garmin GPS receivers, including their maps. Of course they still have my street and other things wrong.
- Around sunset, up at Canadian Hole, I told people about Tuesday's comedy show.
- Got to bed at 10:28

Tue Jun 8 = I made a mistake this morning. There is no phone or Internet service down at my National Parks Department's Frisco Camp Ground (FCG) camp spot, so I got up at 5:45 to drive up to the Billy Mitchell Air Strip Terminal to phone into Jody In The Morning on Beach 104 about tonight's Comedy-n-Sunset show. The mistake was that I did not drive the 1.3 miles back down to my B006 camp spot to catch up on my sleep. Joseph Cappolli, the prick of a park ranger drove up to my van in the airstrip parking lot, checked all my windows then rousted me to say that I was not allowed to sleep there.
- Back down at the FCG, a little before noon as I checked out he was over the top, yelled at me, intimidated me, accused me of illegally recording our conversation and explained that he had heard about me from others, that he had it in for me and was going to call law enforcement on me. I guess I am a marked man now.
- For the Comedy-n-Sunset show, George Wagner, my opener was pretty sick so did not even drive down for the show. There was an audience of 11 with a number of kids. We had a good time and I gained two new fans:
Kennith Webber and 10-year-old Wayne, Comedy-n-Sunset 6/8/21
- After the show the Webber's followed me up to the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites and bought two of my T-Shirts. I got everything loaded in my van for my comedy trip north and spent the night up at the Rodanthe Kitty Hawk Kites facility.
- Got to bed at 10:28

Wed Jun 9 = Before leaving Rodanthe this morning, I added new entries to my fan email list, composed and sent out emails through Mail Chimp announcing my show tomorrow evening to my five fans in the Newport News, VA area.
- This afternoon I made lemonade from lemons. Evidently there was a miscommunication and there had been no comedy show scheduled for tomorrow at Am Legion Post#368, so naturally I received a cool reception when I showed up. Jarrod Vass, one of the members there, gave me leads to some other posts that might be interested in a short-notice show. By the end of the day I had a show scheduled for American Legion Post 327 in Norfolk. I sent out another email, correcting the location of my Thursday show
- Got to bed at 11:00

Thu Jun 10 = Nobody's perfect, but why do I have to embarrass myself by being so imperfect? Today I was embarrassed to send out a second set of emails to my five fans in the Newport News, VA area, saying that tonight's comedy show had been moved to the American Legion Post 327 in Norfolk, VA where I hung out all afternoon with the excellent people there.
- In the process of making the final arrangements with Sandy, I realized that we had not discussed the date of the show. I was thinking tonight, the 10th and they were thinking tomorrow night, the 11th. That little detail necessitated a third set of emails to my five fans in the Newport News, VA area. How embarrassing!
- For lunch I had beef stromboli, fixed by :Yvanne, a volunteer, who comes to the post every Thursday to fix lunch for the members who are here.
I found two new fans at the post:
Otha Newton & Walter Jackson; Norfolk, VA American Legion Post 327 6/10/21

- Got to bed at 10:50 in the grassy area east of the post with tall trees for morning shade. Thanks, guys!

Fri Jun 11 = Leading up to tonights show I met a lot of nice people.
- The show was pretty good with 26 people, considering they were all spread out and in the lounge (bar). Most of them paid attention, and laughed some. I used my own PA system after making sure it was fully charged. It worked just fine. You may remember that it quit working multiple times, the last show where I used it.
- To summarize, I got the gig with a referral by Jarrod Vass at the Am Legion Post#368 in Newport News who referred me to Fred Vucarella at the AL Post#327, who referred me to Roger Kelly the commander-elect, who referred me to Sandra Johns the manager. Bryan Pianalto was excellent with the technical details like hooking me up up to a video projector and setting up their new PA system as a standby.
- I spent another quiet night east of the post in Norfolk.
- Got to bed at 10:54

Sat Jun 12 = This morning I shopped at a Kroger and found a Lowe's where I bought 10' of 1/4" OD vinyl tubing which I adapted to siphon the accumulated condensed water from the bottom of my little refrigerator. This tube is better, clearer, more flexible and longer than the two polyethylene ones that are back home in Phoenix.
- Then I took the tunnel under the James river up to southern Newport News and spent an hour or so at the Pearl Bailey Library uploading and backing up the recordings from last night's comedy show, downloading five of Clark Howard's podcasts and updating my website.
- Then on up to the Elks Lodge 315 a little farther north where I met Dawn Bardy, hung out and got a new fan:
Cindy Keuziak; Newport News, VA; Elks Lodge 327; 6/12/21

- Bedtime found a red car in the only parking place that would have morning shade so I parked across the parking lot, about 30 feet to the south. It may not have been smart, but at my 3:30am pee, I moved my van across to the now-vacant morning-shady spot. I moved it without going to the trouble of removing the sun shields from the windows. Using only the 360-degree view cameras I eased my van to the prime spot where there WAS shade in the morning.
- Got to bed at 10:50

Sun Jun 13 = Thanks to Dawn Bardy, I hung around the Elks Lodge 315 in Newport News all morning, working on my computer. For my website I added an Arizona Lou's Veterans Appreciation National Tour 2022 section to my comedy home page. So far I have four shows scheduled in four different states.
- On the way to
Hatteras Island and the Outer Banks off the coast of North Carolina
I did a short fast medium-weight workout at the Chesapeake Planet Fitness.
- I filled up with cheap ($2.899) gas in Grandy, NC. Hopefully it will last until I get off Hatteras Island and back to more cheap gas. Due to a possible fuel shortage, I am now filling my tank at about 1/4th.
- Got to bed at 9:55 for a quiet night in the back of the Dare County Rest Stop Welcome Center parking lot.

Mon Jun 14 = First thing this morning I jogged over to the First Flight Centennial memorial. I couldn't stop reading the about 13 monolithic panels with the history of heavier-than-air flight from 1908 to 2008.
- I felt silly the last two months carrying around in my pocket, my house key and mailbox key. There was a reason since the neighbor back in Phoenix who is picking up my mail for me lost my gang mailbox key. I had a duplicate made from the key in my pocket :)
- I spent a couple hours in the Dare County Older Adult Center. I used one of their ellipticals at level 16 for two minutes. Then I added pictures of four fans to my website, wrote two thank you notes and paid the property taxes that I had overlooked for one of my Wittmann properties. Thank goodness for the USPS Informed Delivery that put me aware of the overdue payment.
- A block away was the US Post Office, so I got everything mailed and then headed down to Hatteras Island.
- I spent some time at the Billy Mitchell air strip terminal and then drove the 30 slow miles back up to the Rodanthe Kitty Hawk Kites for a cloudy, rainy, windy night.
- Got to bed at 9:18 with big plans for tomorrow starting early.

Tue Jun 15 = Today started well and ended well. A good and FULL DAY when everything went according to plan.
- I got up at 6:15 and did a one-minute phone interview with Jody on Beach 104 about my Comedy-n-Sunset Show
- Early at Kitty Hawk Kites, I cut my hairs, did a poster trim, took warm a shower
- Then took a one-hour nap to make up for lost sleep last night
- Then scheduled a demo eFoil lesson for tomorrow at 3pm
eFoil board
- Then down to the Haulover to tell people about tonight's comedy show.
- Then up to the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites for my merch signing.
- Then down to the Billy Mitchell air strip terminal where I quickly checked my email and updated my blog.
- Then back to the Haulover for my show to a laughing audience of eight.
- Then back up to the Avon Kitty Hawk Kites with an audience family where I sold a T-Shirt and an Album. While they were there they also bought about $100 worth of the store merchandise :)
- Then up to the Rodanthe Kitty Hawk Kites for the night in anticipation for tomorrow's big day.
- Got to bed at 11:12 :()

Wed Jun 16 = Today was for e-foiling on a FliteBoard
- After breakfast, #1 on my list was to plan the next few nights' schedule and reserve A012 for Thursday night in the FCG and update my website. Then I watched this video and took scrupulous notes for the $12,645 FliteBoard toy:

- Sitting in my office, the couch in the fortier of the Rodanthe Kitty Hawk Kites Center, I met Tom Hemmer the Executive Chef for the Good Winds restaurant which is upstairs. He said he might be interested in some comedy.
- In preparation for my efoiling experience, I put on sunscreen and then covered it up with neoprene because there was no sun.
- I did better efoiling than I had expected. After the first hour, I was ready to settle for just foiling on my knees. As the second hour progressed, I decided to experiment with standing up, and actually got some decent rides in. (videos coming later).
- Boy was I cold; shivering uncontrollably as we rode in on the jet ski. A KHK warm shower took care of that. Wearing something warmer would have prevented the chill and also kept my knees from getting red and sore from the efoil's rubber grip pad. Was I tired! but I was a happy camper.
- I went up to the Good Winds restaurant and hung out, transferring the efoiling videos to my
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
and finishing up some web stuff.
- Here is a rough video of the experience with lots of zoomed-in video, which I just learned how to do with PowerDirector 18. Second is a picture of how it would have looked without being zoomed in. Third is Jimmy Buffett getting ready to pull the trigger on his efoil board.

- Got to bed at 10:03 :)

Thu Jun 17 = After working on my blog, I headed south. First stop was Kitty Hawk Kites in Avon to stow my stool. I had forgotten to leave it there after Tuesday's show and it has been a pain since there is no place for it in my van. During the day I had it on my bed and during the night I had it on my kitchen counter.
- Next stop was Food Lion for some grocery items. Then Dollar Tree, but they were out of sunglasses. I had to use my spare pair for yesterday's efoiling
- At solar noon I was out on the Atlantic Beach by the Frisco Bath House, soaking up the vitamin D with a beach sun-run: 20 minutes of sun and a 2:56 minute run resultingin a pulse of 154 bpm.
- Later, at the Billy Mitchel field, I watched most of each of the 28 videos from yesterday's FliteBoard eFoiling experience and chose three, plus videos of 12 crashes to include in my video production.
- Got to bed at 10:06 in FCG A012 - the perfect camp spot for morning shade until 9:00 in the morning.

Fri Jun 18 = My morning project at the Billy Mitchell air strip terminal was to start backing up my
Dell XPS-13 laptop computer with 13.3" touch screen, 60WHr Integrated Battery, Windows 10, Intel 7th Generation Core i7 CPU, 16gb memory and 1TB SSD
to my 5TB Drive B.
- a little before noon I went down to the FCG, filled my van's jerry can with fresh watter and took a brief cold shower (no plumbing for hot water) and checked out at the front gate I waisted my time the last couple days preparing and rehearsing what I was going to say to the unbearably obnoxious bullying park ranger at Frisco Camp Ground (FCG) this morning. I think everyone would be better off if they put Joseph Cappolli, the park ranger who was in charge last time I was here, on trash duty. He should not be dealing with people.
- At the gate, instead, were two delightful ladies: Amy, the park ranger, and Sandy, a volunteer.
- Back up at the Billy Mitchell air strip terminal, it took me only 8:18 minutes to go through my full show sequence... probably a record.
- The afternoon/evening's BIG project was learning to zoom/crop videos using my Cyberlink PowerDirector 18 software and producing a the above video.
- About 9pm I drove up to Kitty Hawk Kites, Rodanthe, stopping by Food Lion for a few items on the way.
- Got to bed at 11:02 to the west of the the KHK well house where there will be shade in the morning.

Sat Jun 19 = Today I drove to Triangle, VA. I-95 was mostly chocked with traffic.
- The people at the American Legion Post 28 were glad to see me. I met May, the bar maid, Norma Jean the manager and others. I think it is going to be a fun show tomorrow and well worth the drive.
- For the night I found the perfect shade... after I repositioned my van at 6:00 am... shady from sunrise until about noon.
- Got to bed at 11:03

Sun Jun 20 = Today was full of stuff I love: Gym and Comedy... Plus some stuff I don't love quite so much, like wrapping up packing and stowing everything from the comedy show.
- This afternoon I drove the seemingly perpetually clogged I-95 up to Dumfry, bought a few grocery items from their Walmart and Food Lion and told people about my show. Then to their Anytime Fitness for a slow heavy full-body workout since I don't anticipate being at a gym soon.
- The show at the American Legion Post#28 in in Triangle, VA was great. Geo Wagoner was a good host/opener for about.20 minutes. He stayed and helped me pack some of my equipment after the show
- For my act they laughed a lot, especially during the first part. A couple of ladies were laughing so hard they were crying - repeatedly.
- Got to bed at 11:18 under the post's trees that provided awesome shade in the morning.

Mon Jun 21 = Before I headed south, I used the closed post's Internet to reserve FCG camp spot P055 for tonight, a number 7 on my morning shade scale of 8. The rest of the day was mostly driving to the Billy Mitchell air strip and adjacent FCG. where I spent the night. It was very windy and there were lots of windsurfers at The Haulover and a number of kiteboarders at Kite Point. I stopped by the Frisco Tackle shop, observed that my poster was still in the window, bought an ice cream sandwich for my Monday treat and met young Dane, the new (by about two months) owner.
- Got to bed at 10:06

Tue Jun 22 = At 6:15am I drove up to the Billy Mitchell air strip for cell reception for a two-minute phone interview with Jody on Beach 104 about my Comedy-n-Sunset Show tonight.
- Not making the same mistake of last week and napping in my van at the airstrip, I drove back down to my P055 camp spot to catch up on sleep and have breakfast.
- Joseph Cappollio, the park ranger, was like a whole different person than last week as I headed back up to the airstrip. I did say what I felt I needed to say: 1) Did he plan to chase me down and peek in all my van windows to make sure I was not napping? 2) Before he bullies anyone else into deleting recordings they made legally, I suggest he check the North Carolina and federal laws regarding making recordings. 3) He is porbably lucky that I decided to not to give feedback for my visit last week 4) I said, I may or may not be and I did not have to tell him when he asked if I was recording our conversation.
- Joeseph was friendly and gave me some helpful information: Registration is for the camp sites. only. I am more than welcome to use the shower heads, bathrooms and beach without a reservation because they are open to the public . Thanks, Joe!
- At a nearby campsite I recognized a couple large YAGI antennas of a ham radio operator. I got acquainted with WBLNYJ. He was sitting in his jeep helping people get the Fred Fish Memorial Award for making contacts in every cell of the 6-meter grid activation in the US. The 6-meter grid is earth's surface divided up into a grid of rectangles 1° of latitude and 2° of longitude. His temporary rig was the only one in this 6-meter sector.
- A new milestone for Comedy-n-Sunset today. About 5:30pm, for the first time ever, I decided to move the show inside: from the Haulover to Kitty Hawk Kites in north Avon. It had been rainy in the morning, very windy all day (up to 40mph) and looked like more rain this evening at comedy show time.
- I felt bad, not being able to take advantage of today's marvelous southwest wind by kiteboarding, but comedy is a priority now.
- I stuck a waterproof poster on the picnic table down at the Haulover saying that the show was moved, and then drove back up to the Kitty Hawk Kites.
- Geo Wagoner opened for me to a three or four-generation family of 11 who mostly sat on the floor for the ,, minute show. They bought an Album (#2)
- Geo went the second mile and drove down in the rain to the Haulover and retrieved the sign from the picnic table while I packed up my things from the show. Thanks, Geo
- After the show I drove in the rain up to the Rodanthe Kitty Hawk Kites for the night.
- Got to bed at 9:47 :)

Wed Jun 23 = Today was mostly driving to visit with my daughter and her family for a few days in Maryland a little south of Washington DC. I stopped by the Calvert Library, Prince Fredrick, updated my website and got some information about their 3D Printers.
- I found how to enlarge the screen information on my XPS with [Windows]/Settings/Display/Change the size of text apps... /250% (recommended).
- Due to my daughter's schedule I spent the night at the Walmart in Prince Fredrick. Got a very good night's sleep.
- Got to bed at 10:31 for a good night's sleep

Thu Jun 24 = I arrived at my daughter, Anne's, at about 10:30 this morning
- From Thingaverse my granddaughter, Brooke and I each picked and uploaded an object to be printed at the Calvert Library, Prince Fredrick. Later in the day we picked up the objects. The only problem was they printed the wrong version of my citrus peeler, so started to redo. It was closing time and the peeler was not finished, so they paused the printer. It will be ready tomorrow for us to pick up.
- I have never seen a real-life spider web like they depict them in drawings. I saw my first one today. I was particularly pleased to capture it with my Pixel 4a cell phone.
- While Anne and Katie, her elder, went to Katie's rehearsal Brooke and I went outside with Robby, her dad. I watched them practice Brooke's kick ball. Then we spent a little time on their slackline. What fun!
- Got to bed at 9:56.

Fri Jun 25 = For the first time in months, this morning I had a touch of diarrhea. Maybe it was last night's supper - not my usual fare.
- I helped my granddaughter, Katie, with her lines for her July 24th play.
- The girls (Anne, Katie and Brooke) and I had lunch together out on the large screened-in back porch.
- This afternoon I explored the various kinds of fill for 3D printing:
- This evening Robby, Brooke and I took Katie down to Solomons, VA and saw Katie's dance recital, Vintage 1995, presented by Sherry's Dance Center: 38 numbers with a lot of variety in age and style (no couples dances).
- Got to bed at 10:40

Sat Jun 26 = What a wonderful day with my daughter and her family: Anne, Robbie, Katie, their elder and Brooke, their younger.
- I took a long nap so I'd be able to stay up late watching The Greatest Showman as the family movie night.
- I'll do almost anything else when it comes time to resolve my checking account. This afternoon I cleaned my little refrigerator, for the first time on this trip (after about 2.5 month). After that I actually got my checking account resolved.
- When Anne brought Katie home from her dance recital she also brought supper which we all had together on the back screen porch. Then it was movie time.
- After the movie Kattie, Anne and I watched the highlights of my 1,000th Show, a Roast of me, which is on my Album #2.
- Got to bed at 11:06

Sun Jun 27 = Katie rose to my $1 departure challenge and cost me $3 for the three packages of Hebrew National 97% Fat Free Franks that I was about to leave in their refrigerator. Thanks Katie. It was worth it.
- Today was a driving day. I arrived at Haulover a little before sunset and told some of the sunset watchers about my show on Tuesday
- After a little Food Lion shopping I headed south to the Billy Mitchel Airport office where I added yesterday to my blog.
- Got to bed at 10:40

Mon Jun 28 = The other day a gentleman wearing a black cowboy hat, said, "I like your hat... a Stetson." Of course I was complemented and immediately told him that my black hat was a good Goodwill find. My hat may look like a Stetson,but it is a Nicole and fits my head perfectly after I reshaped it back in Phoenix with some steam.
- At solar noon I did a beach sun/run with 20 minutes of sun and 3:06 minutes of run.
- At the FCG (Frisco Campground), Park Ranger, Savannah, switched me from FCG P030 (my shade rating #3) to A012 (my shade rating #8) for more shade in the morning. I could not do it online. Next time I'll have to book each night separately if I don't at first get the best spot.
- Got to bed at 9:30

Tue Jun 29 = My last day on the Outer Banks! Up this morning at 6:10 to get dressed, drive up to the Billy Mitchel Airstrip pilot's lounge to phone Jody at Beach 104 about my last Comedy-n-Sunset show this evening and put all my camera batteries on charge.
- Then back to my FCG A012 campsite for an hour nap, breakfast, a poo, a shower and to flush and refill my van's fresh water tank.
- Then back up to Billy Mitchell until noon where I did my blog and other things, including checking out Leo Laporte's Alaska tech cruise schedule next July. I thought this was going to be my last Billy Mitchell visit.
- On my way north I collected the posters that I had put up about a month ago, which would be out of date after tonight's show.
- There wasn't much activity for me at my 2-4:00pm; Merch Signing for Charity at Kitty Hawk Kites; in north Avon.
- The 7:00pm Comedy-n-Sunset show at Haulover south of Avon) was fantastic with a record-breaking audience of 36. The mixture of kids and adults came to see me and laugh a lot, which they did. Geo Wagner did a good 12 minutes hosting the show and opening for me.
- Here's the hour show with Geo Wagner, the host and my opening comedian:

Here is my 47-minute portion of the show as headliner:

- I got two new pictures for my Fans web page:
Sophia Henderson; Haulover, NC 6/29/21
Alina Gregory; Haulover, NC 6/29/21

- I'm sure glad I had Geo to help me pack up my stuff from the show: two tripods, four cameras and battery power supplies.
- After the show I ran my van through the Askins Creek car wash with undercarriage rinse and headed to Kitty Hawk Kites, N Avon for the last time, sold some shirts and packed up my merch.
- I went to bed concerned that I had lost the power supply for the Panasonic video camera that I use as camera #3 with no way to charge the only battery I could find for the camera.
- Got to bed at 10:38

Wed Jun 30 = First thing this morning I thoroughly searched my van for the power supply for my Panasonic video camera then drove the 30 miles down and 30 miles back from the Billy Mitchel airport where I found, plugged into an outlet, my charger waiting for me.
- While there and with good Internet I updated my blog for yesterday.
- Most of the rest of the day was driving to the Richmond, VA area where I spent an hour or so at Wegman's planning emails to send to my four fans in the Cincinnati area. What a supermarket!
- I spent a quiet night in the Short Pump Cabela's parking lot.
- Got to bed at 11:02 :()
- Here is Google's map of my travels for the month of June:
travel map

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